Ended up in the ER for the 4th time (not including appendectomy which didn't cure the issue after all) in the last 3 years. Throwing up, cold sweats, no sleep, so sick I couldn't even answer my door after the 4th day *neighbors heard me puking non stop and were trying to bang the door down*, lost so much in fluids I was told my potassium was again, so low, I was close to a heart attack. Part of me thinks that being on immune supressent drugs is making the teeniest bit of bacteria destroy my system. BUT that's not what I came to bitch about. I made sure after the first episode to the ER, to type out my full medical history including Dr's, specialists, medications, SS info name, address etc etc...because they must have asked me the same things over and over and as much as I tried to tell them that I literally could not speak..again again they ask. I mean if I couldn't even answer the door to my apartment, how the fuck am I supposed to repeat all that intake bullshit to every single DR and Nurse rather than them talk to each other?
Anyhoo....this recent episode, some memories started coming back to me....the intake nurses....lecturing me about my medications. The first time I was admitted a few years ago, the guy literally yelled at me when I asked for a dose of Xanax. I kid you not he goes "XANAX IS A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE!" Nearly knocked me off the gurney he was so loudly offended. You mean to tell me that only 3 years ago, the hospital wasn't linked to patients medications? Tried to explain to the genius that I've been puking for 4 days and couldn't keep any down so now that they had given me nausea meds via IV, I'd be able to keep one down. I mean dude lost it. So when the attending surgeon and assigned nurse came in and talked to me, they were really understanding and gave me the xanax, all of my Scleroderma meds and EEP! Morphine! *I also handn't been able to keep any oxy down so by that time I felt normal again*
So last night, the intake nurse that I kept pushing my detailed paper to with one hand while holding my throwup bag in the other praying she would read and type and not ask me a zillion questions while she took BP and Temp said "You take Percocet?" Again, I must have offended someone by having pain. She commented how strong it is and blah blah..made me feel like a piece of garbage. Or so she thought. Because I didn't even bother saying yes or no or I'm a CPP...nothing. Because it jarred my memory of when that other guy yelling at me CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE! The Dr's and the assigned nurses were amazing so not everyone sucks. Just the people that don't like their jobs and are there for the wrong reasons.