copied and edited from source:
from r/Stims
picture source: Latest findings on n-isopropylbenzylamineWiki-cut methamphetamine [Feb 2018]
BackgroundFor anyone unfamiliar, Mexican cartels have been heavily cutting the meth they make before smuggling it into the US. This has been happening since about February 2017. Not only are the crystals of this shit super huge and super clear, but people have to buy a lot more to get the same effect! Although not everyone has a noticeable reaction from n-iso, the people that do typically experience headaches, lethargy, listlessness, procrastination, and/or confusion. The effects are usually mild, but since there's not much methamphetamine at all in most of this bullshit that's being sold, those effects can add up.
Chemical PropertiesThe best test for pure methamphetamine is the melting point test. you basically set up a double-boiler type system, with hot oil (mineral oil is best, vegetable oil is okay) in the outer vessel and shards in the inner one. Heat the oil with a thermometer in the shards until they all melt. (Temperature should be 180˚C+ in this state) Then shut off the heat and keep an eye on the temperature. Record the temperature that you first see crystals, then record the temperature when the entire mass has solidified. The closer those temperatures are together, and the closer those temperatures are to 170-175˚C, the purer the methamphetamine is likely to be.
The tweaker version of this is "crackback", where you watch methamphetamine solidify in a pipe. If it solidifies slowly around the edges first, with a molten spot in the middle that gets slushy-looking before solidifying, that means it's cut. If it solidifies in a wave, starting at a few points on the edges and moving inward, then it's pure. Those things only signify purity though, not what substance it is. However,
this is still the best test you're going to find for purity, and it will still apply no matter how many new cuts they come out with.
Since n-iso and methamphetamine are very similar types of chemicals, most solvents will dissolve both of them or neither of them. So you can't just wash away the n-iso with acetone, like you can with MSM.
A test I came up with for n-iso that proved to be popular, was dissolving it in 90% isopropanol in a concentrated solution, putting some on a flat surface, then examining the patterns of the crystals.
I've described the patterns that n-iso-cut meth forms when evaporated from isopropanol as "bizarre", "dramatic", and "something from a Tim Burton movie". The reason is that methamphetamine forms cocrystals with n-iso, and those cocrystals are a completely different structure from either methamphetamine or n-iso. So you have at least three different types crystal growth going on, and the crystal type will switch up as concentrations change. This gives it strange patterns as crystal type will alternate between multiple different ones as the solvent evaporates.
ResearchI haven't been able to afford to do the research I would like as far as studying what the fuck is in all this crystal clear weak-ass meth that everyone seems to be coming across these days. But, I've had a few people help by giving me information, which I can then use to see the bigger picture.
So how about some visuals? First of all, this stuff looks very fake to me:
Real methamphetamine is cloudy, not perfectly clear. The brown color is something I haven't seen before though. I suspect that since a lot of home-cooked meth is brown in color, and that's typically a lot purer than what's been coming out of Mexico lately, some people are probably now seeking out the brown stuff specifically. So what do you do when your clear stuff is selling for less than brown stuff? Why, add brown food coloring, of course.
This is just my opinion, and I have no idea if that's what was done here.
Here are two photos of heavily-cut methamphetamine crystallization patterns. I do not have any photos of real methamphetamine, because of how ridiculously rare that is these days.
Chip found a 14 year old picture of real MA:

On a flatbed scanner:
The biggest difference is that n-iso forms flat, plate-type crystals extremely easily, whereas methamphetamine is actually pretty hard to coax into forming crystals, and they will usually be kind of crusty and hard to grow larger than rice grains without putting a lot of effort into it. One of the easiest visual tests for n-iso is by looking to see if there are a lot of smooth, very flat crystal facets. For instance, in the following image, you can see a large flat facet pretty easily. These types of facets are something you usually only see in real methamphetamine from where it was touching the container.