What's next ?
Drug form members get rounded up and shot for their documented drug history and current addictions ?
Why do they hate us ? We just want to have some fun and then it's very often just about just maintaing just to feel normal
Why all the drug related crime ? Because the fucking authorities make it a big money business and that attracts the predators and forces the user into poverty faster as the financial cost is highly artificially inflated
If it were the medical issue that it really is then there would be barely any crime or problematic lifestyles.
We end up having to break the law because the drug laws are an ass. I'm not advocating Barbiturates come back or really dangerous ones either... i just want the legal system to fuck off, not prosper from our misery and FUKING stop making us criminals !
No wonder the prisons are full and angry gangs fight for their territory to sell drugs and even kill to protect that.
It's true that there are many horrible people in the drug scene but that's because there's quick and dirty money to be made ... it happens in all walks of life tho'.
The only shot or two that we need is a syringe full off bliss in the arm.
Fucking nasty, scum who judge us because we are defenceless, vulnerable and so easy to exploit.
This will backfire, it's just a matter of time.
Why not shoot all the obese, gamblers and sex addicts next ?
Nothing upsets me more than reading this new form of genocide.