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Author Topic: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted  (Read 20253 times)

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DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« on: December 02, 2015, 05:40:35 PM »

"The head of the Drug Enforcement Administration in Beaumont, Texas, Bill Furay, has long been considered a heavy hitter within the DEA’s underground world of ruthless narcotic officers. And while he’s been famously quoted, telling those who’d listen, “You don’t see many drug traffickers retire,” his 19-year-old daughter Sarah, apparently never got that sermon.

According to a post on Raw Story, the Texas DEA agent worked diligently at creating havoc and mayhem for the Mexican drug cartel along the border. Becoming “the implacable scourge of drug dealers,” and someone who was a “ familiar presence at triumphant DEA press conferences announcing mass arrests and seizures of contraband and proceeds.”

On his way to the top of the DEA food chain, Furay led a large-scale drug bust called “Operation Blood Loss” in 2009, which boosted his professional career within the DEA hierarchy; eventually leading to another massive DEA drug bust in 2010, this time taking on the Sinaloa drug cartel’s activity along the US border.

And he’s apparently been milking that notoriety ever sense…

Most recently, Furay explained his antidrug crusade by pointing out to a group of reporters the obvious, “You don’t see many drug traffickers retire. Either they end up in prison, or they end up dead.” With the irony fueled subtext of his comment underlining the fact that it’s DEA agents like him that turn up the pressure on street level drug dealers.

Looking to follow in her father’s footsteps (sort of), Sarah also created an elevated name for herself within her chosen industry.

The seemingly ironic thing is… she played for the other team. Slinging coke, speed, acid, and whatever else she could get her hands on.

When the daughter’s bedroom was raided, police confiscated “31.5 grams of coke packaged for sale, 126 grams of some chronic marijuana, 29 ‘ecstasy’ tablets, methamphetamine and 60 doses of a drug similar to LSD.”

Unfortunately for Sarah, thanks to DEA agents like her dear old dad, the Lone Star State is known for handing down extremely harsh sentences for drug-related crimes.

Provided her father doesn’t pull any strings – Sarah is now staring down the barrel of at least three felony charges. And according to the Raw Story post, she could face up to 215 years in prison and a fine of $30,000.

As this dysfunctional family drama continues to unwind, one can’t help but wonder if Bill Furay’s understanding of the war on drugs has changed? Particularly now that his own daughter may soon be calling the Texas prison system home for the foreseeable future."

I wouldn't wish prison on most people but it is really ironic that the person who helped put harsh sentences on drug crimes has his daughter facing one. I wouldn't be surprised if her daddy pulled some strings and got her probation or swept this under the rug. I wish dear ol' dad would have to do the time for her sense he probably is a shit parent.

I do feel bad for people who get incarcerated over drug crimes but I won't feel bad for the amount of stress this puts on the DEA chief. If it even stresses him out at all. I could see him going one of two ways. Trying to get this erased completely or disowning his daughter and condemning her to hell for being a morally corrupt terrorist druggie.

I highly doubt he will have an epiphany that sheds light on the ridiculousness of persecuting people for victimless crimes but there might still be hope. However the man has probably caged and destroyed so many families while at the same time robbing them for the sake of the children that he probably doesn't have any compassion left even for his own daughter.

It is a catch 22 of emotions for me. I am happy that it hits close to home and gets back at someone responsible for terrorizing more than likely thousands of people. However I hate that the girl's life is going to be destroyed and she is going to be put in a cage and treated like an animal. If it was her dads life who was being destroyed then I would be ecstatic.

 I guess you will always have civilian casualties and collateral damage in a war. Even if it is a war on drugs. I know the collateral damage is much heavier on our side of the fence. It is a terrible statistic that 1 out of every 4 children has a close relative in prison. Considering half of federal prisoners are in for drug offenses that means 1 out of 8 kids has a close relative in federal prison for a drug offense if it isn't higher.

We have way to many people in prison in this country and the war on drugs is definitely feeding the fire. It isn't very often that rich people and people in the government or their family are ever charged with crimes and if they are they usually can cover it up before it gets out or pay a top class lawyer and the judge so no matter what it gets dropped very quickly.

I was watching arrow the other night and one of the DAs got arrested for a dui and another time arrested for a drug offense. Both times they dropped the charges because of who she was. Since it was on TV I know it's true(jk). I do feel like that is the norm though and probably happens all the time. I wonder how many people have been put in jail by a cop who has done the exact same thing but was never charged for it.

I just wish that people were treated equally by the judicial system even though I know it will never happen. It will always cater to the rich or connected and they will never be held to the same level of accountability. It is so much harder to fight a case when you can't afford a lawyer or bail. You just sit in jail month after month and are represented by someone who works and gets paid by the people he is supposed to be defending you from.

It is hard to sit in jail while you lose your job, your house, your family, and everything you worked for. While you sit and lose everything it gets harder and harder to fight your case and not just take a plea deal and go home so you don't lose everything.

After you break and sign a plea deal and get out you have to build it all from scratch I have done this twice and I am only 25. You sit in jail in horrible conditions with the thought of I can sit her for 6 months maybe 2 years and fight this and return to nothing or I can take this plea deal and have a criminal record for the rest of my life. Add withdrawals to the equation and you will do what I did plead guilty to whatever as long as it gets you out of jail.

I should of never been charged for my first charge and every lawyer I have talked to says I would of beat the case because it is my 1st amendment rights. My charge was harassment for making a phone call with out intent or purpose of actual conversation.

If I would of got off that charge I wouldn't of been searched the second time and got my DUI because I was on probation I have no 4th amendment rights. They had no reason to search me but they can without reason so they did and found my MMT lockbox and opened it. Boom DUI and possession for not having some of my prescribed meds(not the done)in the correct bottle.

I wouldn't of been there had I not been forced to not leave the state that I know no one in for 18 months. Now I am not able to get housing or a job because I was extremely sick and plead guilty to a trumped up bs charge that I shouldn't of been arrested for. Basically sense I am not rich I am forever reaping what I sow.

I swear every other post I make i ended up ranting and going on and on about my charges because I still haven't gotten over them. Obviously I'm still extremely pissed off about it. I should change my handle to broken record until I finally get over it.

Any who what do you think they are going to do in this case do you think she will get prison time for it or will it be covered up. Do you think the judicial system will ever change? Do you believe they are going to arrest so many people that eventually people will do something about it and make it change. Even though through everyone they've arrested can no longer vote.

I Suggest everyone read 3 felonies a day, it is about how the average american citizen commits 3 felonies a day unknowingly. I usually bust that book out when people get on there high horse about convicts who shouldn't be allowed anything and how they shouldn't of done the crime if they couldn't handle the consequences.

I read AOL news comments and I swear 75% of the commenters think that we should build more prisons not let anyone out. They want harsher penalties for everything even pot and often say how they should just kill every prisoner to weed out the horrible people in this world. Heres a few comments I read today that stuck out.

"Why can't these blacks just stop doing all the crimes and they wouldn't get shot, it's that simple."

"you'd rather they die from an OD?"
"Yes, die quickly and be a warning to the next person."

"they were successfully treated with Narcan -- a medication that counters the effect of opioids. WHY? The child would have been better off without these 2 losers..."

"Any jackass fool that does heroin......gets what they early grave....enjoy"

"Let the jackass do what ever drugs they want. Make it all available. Sniff gasoline or glue. But when there ass show up at the hospitals from over dose they should be turned away. NOT one tax dollar should be spent on their sorry ass, Let them die in the alleys were they belong."

"A drunk is a drunk and the same goes for the drug addicts and let them kill them self's and will end the problem a easy thing to do is when you find lock them up for a year that's the treatment"

"all dopers need to die and make this world a better place"
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2015, 06:02:50 PM »
"Why can't these blacks just stop doing all the crimes and they wouldn't get shot, it's that simple."

"you'd rather they die from an OD?"
"Yes, die quickly and be a warning to the next person."

"they were successfully treated with Narcan -- a medication that counters the effect of opioids. WHY? The child would have been better off without these 2 losers..."

"Any jackass fool that does heroin......gets what they early grave....enjoy"

"Let the jackass do what ever drugs they want. Make it all available. Sniff gasoline or glue. But when there ass show up at the hospitals from over dose they should be turned away. NOT one tax dollar should be spent on their sorry ass, Let them die in the alleys were they belong."

"A drunk is a drunk and the same goes for the drug addicts and let them kill them self's and will end the problem a easy thing to do is when you find lock them up for a year that's the treatment"

"all dopers need to die and make this world a better place"

WOW. it seems the war on drugs rhetoric is fucking STRONG these days, I just can't believe how many people just gobble that shit up and truly BELIEVE it. it's insane...
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2015, 06:05:29 PM »
LOL at 'some chronic marijuana'
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2015, 06:19:23 PM »
...They had no reason to search me but they can without reason so they did and found my MMT lockbox and opened it. Boom DUI and possession for not having some of my prescribed meds(not the done)in the correct bottle.
That story has so many ironies...

But Griff, one item in your post really struck a chord:
I used to carry my daily dose  of x number of pills in the bottom of a pill cutter.
(All prescribed meds: done/oxycodone/ms...)

If I carried the whole pillbox I would have gone through it faster, and used the daily carry as a means to try to control consumption.

Would that constitute "possession"?
I remember running across this issue before on ophile, and wondering about it.

If so, other DAUphiles, especially CPPs, might benefit from knowing how NOT to walk around with their meds.

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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2015, 06:24:00 PM »
Kind of like when Jeb Bush's daughter got hemmed up for Rx fraud.

This shit is fucking insane. I truly believe all those asshole comments about "let 'em die" and shit do not represent the public's at-large opinion on these issues. Really. I mean the readership of those websites is not a representative sample of the population.

And Griffin, I've been out of prison for three years (it'll be three years on 18th December), and I still haven't "gotten over it." I mean how can you ever? It's so damn crazy to lock people up for wanting to change their mood, albeit with chemicals, but still, it is what it is.

Where the hell do they give out 3 and a half years for telling lies over the phone? (that's all I did, talk about downplaying the crime hahaha!)

This reminds me of a guy I shared a cell with when I first went down the road to DOC. I was talking about how I believed in total legalization and this guy was in for heroin distro, and said "oh no that would hurt minority communities because the dealers would be put out of jobs!" I couldn't fucking believe the absolute abject stupidity of that comment. WRONG on so many levels!

But yeah, keep talking all you want about how unjust it was that you got locked up. I don't get tired of hearing about it, because I can relate
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2015, 06:49:49 PM »
It's wrong that anyone
can get locked up for committing a crime against themself
Fuckin stupid waste of time and money
People are going to alter their moods
It has been happening since the beginning of time.
Their isn't a law that will stop it and if there is people will break it
Our stupid f****** high horse.
I see it
She will become a informant
Not do anytime
Write a book
Make a million dollars

Sucks but I will bet money that's how it works out for her
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 07:02:31 PM by Daughter of Dionysus »
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2015, 07:11:44 PM »
...They had no reason to search me but they can without reason so they did and found my MMT lockbox and opened it. Boom DUI and possession for not having some of my prescribed meds(not the done)in the correct bottle.
That story has so many ironies...

But Griff, one item in your post really struck a chord:
I used to carry my daily dose  of x number of pills in the bottom of a pill cutter.
(All prescribed meds: done/oxycodone/ms...)

If I carried the whole pillbox I would have gone through it faster, and used the daily carry as a means to try to control consumption.

Would that constitute "possession"?
I remember running across this issue before on ophile, and wondering about it.

If so, other DAUphiles, especially CPPs, might benefit from knowing how NOT to walk around with their meds.

In this state if they are not in the bottle.
It's possession.
You need to get your pharmacy to give you a travel bottle.
Or save one from the month before.
Also a big NO NO
You got to keep em separated.
Or it's possession.
Cppers are just screwed from the get
How dare you ask for meds that make your life worth living
Man up good God man
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2015, 07:18:43 PM »
...They had no reason to search me but they can without reason so they did and found my MMT lockbox and opened it. Boom DUI and possession for not having some of my prescribed meds(not the done)in the correct bottle.
That story has so many ironies...

But Griff, one item in your post really struck a chord:
I used to carry my daily dose  of x number of pills in the bottom of a pill cutter.
(All prescribed meds: done/oxycodone/ms...)

If I carried the whole pillbox I would have gone through it faster, and used the daily carry as a means to try to control consumption.

Would that constitute "possession"?
I remember running across this issue before on ophile, and wondering about it.

If so, other DAUphiles, especially CPPs, might benefit from knowing how NOT to walk around with their meds.

In this state if they are not in the bottle.
It's possession.
You need to get your pharmacy to give you a travel bottle.
Or save one from the month before.
Also a big NO NO
You got to keep em separated.
Or it's possession.
Cppers are just screwed from the get
How dare you ask for meds that make your life worth living
Man up good God man

Better make sure that pill bottles expiration date hasn't gone by. I got caught up on a trafficking charge for exactly that.
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2015, 08:52:25 PM »
In Colorado, if they aren't in the prescription bottle it is considered possession, even if it is your prescribed medication. They charged me with felony possession and felony intent to distribute because it was 2 prescriptions that I had just filled so 30 days worth for both. Once I got out and was able to prove they were my legal prescription the best I could get it dropped to with my public defender was drug misdemeanor 1 possession.

So please be careful with how you handle your meds. If you take them with you anywhere have them in the right container, but know that they can get you a dui if you get pulled over and they see them. You can get a DUI for having anything in your system even OTCs like benedryl. They don't test the amount that is in your blood stream to define whether you are intoxicated on anything except with alcohol and weed, in the few states it is legal.

It had been almost 18 hours sense I took my done when I got pulled over. I would research everything you can on the subject if you are on meds for chronic pain or MAT.

A lot of states will automatically take your license if you refuse a blood test or breathalyzer. If you are going that route do not take the roadside sobriety test. They aren't made to see if you are impaired they are made for you to fail so they have proof in court. In colorado it is an automatic 12 month suspension if you refuse even if you are not charged or convicted. If you are convicted with a dui it is an automatic 9 month suspension unless you are above an 0.15BAC then it is 18 months. You can do what I did and get a breathalyzer installed in your car to allow you a temp license.

After you get a breathalyzer if you don't have any tickets, wrecks, or hot BAs then they will give you your license back in half the time of your original suspension. You have to wait at 30 days to be able to get a breathalyzer as well as take and pass the written and driving test again. You also have to get SR-22 insurance which just means you can't have any lapse of time where you don't have insurance for a 3 year period. If you fail to pay and your insurance isn't in effect for any amount of time they send a letter to the DMV who suspends your license.

You then are required to take classes and community service. The minimum community service they give here is 48 hours and the minimum classes you can take is 6 but thats only in cases where you have a 0.1-0.7BAC or a DUID where your alcohol assessment score is really low. I only had to do the 6 classes because there was no alcohol, wreck, injury, and I haven't drank in the past 3 years. You can also get a DWAI if you have a 0.1-0.7BAC and you fail the roadside sobriety test. If there are any drugs(even otc) in your system it's usually bumped up to a DUI.

If you are getting an alcohol assessment or anything like that lie your ass off and tell them what they want to hear. You don't get any star points for being honest only more costly classes, UAs, and more supervision. It is a sick world we live in where they prey on the people who are trying to get help or have illnesses that cause them to need medication.

Thanks for allowing me to complain about my charges. I get reminded of how much it fucked me over every day pretty much. Like getting denied employment from walmart and pizza hut for having 3 misdemeanors and not being able to find housing. I also had around $5000 saved up and a job I loved that was lost before I was released. Along with losing my financial aid for school, and not being able to leave the state, to move close to my family, and a $4000 fine to top it all off. I could go on and on about the amount of shit I have had to walk through sense getting arrested.

Paying $1000 for classes that I took once a week that lasted 9 months. $2000 fine for my first charge and about $600 in UAs not including the gas and bus fare to get to all this shit. I paid around $750 for my breathalyzer as long as they let me take it out next month if not I will have to pay another $500. I got 48 hours of community service which is just great not only do I have to work for minimum wage because of this charge I have to work for free.

I can't even begin to explain how much stress this has caused me. Before I got sentenced I was afraid I was going to prison for the first time. They were offering me 2-8 years because I couldn't get my medical paperwork while I was in jail and I had the 2 felonies and one misdemeanor for the DUI and another misdemeanor for revoking my probation. I couldn't get out on bond to get my prescriptions and everything because I have no family here to cosign.

 I was lucky enough to get a PR bond in both counties after a month so I could fight it out of jail. Them dropping my felonies and only getting 2 misdemeanors stopped me from stressing as much. I couldn't handle being clean though. I only lasted 3 months after getting released. Making me feel even more like a fuck up and a lifer because I will always be married to the clinic. I lost my 2 weeks of take outs so I have to start from no take homes and goto the clinic every day. I am down to 4 days a week sense its been 6 months now.

My main worries now are being stuck at minimum wage and never having money and being homeless and having no future. Not being able to see my family because I can't leave the state without their permission sucks. I can't drive their because I will probably get another dui because I am on MMT again makes my life pretty shitty. I have no one to lean on and am in a constant state of depression. Hopefully things start going right and my financial aid appeal gets approved then its all uphill from there hopefully.

DOD your are probably right she is probably going to snitch on the people she sold to and make them look like big players and then write a book of redemption and make tons of money. I kind of wanted to be a cop at one point even though I have always hated them I knew that I could do pretty much anything and get away with it. I am almost surprised that cop got charged for murdering that kid he put 16 bullets in.

Has anyone had any experience with expunging records? My brother had a 5 year deferred sentence that he completed and should have a clean record but when we searched his record I found everything that was supposed to be expunged. My guess is even though it has been expunged it was still on the internet. I would assume that unless whoever is doing your background check looks at the governments records that it will show up.

I doubt that most of the companies that employers use for back ground checks go back and erase stuff and look to see if something was expunged and update it sense it is already on there. Most companies don't go through the governments records because it's almost $8 per person and you can get a yearly rate at one of those sites and check as many people as your want for like $20 a year.

I think that once its out there it's out there and you can say that it was expunged but that might not help. Even if they can't use that legally to not hire you they will just find another reason and that is probably the real reason. I assume they can't but I really don't know. When I got out before I was convicted and sentenced I was trying to find a house because I was homeless because I lost everything I owned when I was in jail. A lady did a background check on me and found all the charges that I had just been arrested on but not convicted for.

The lady was a huge dick she basically told me that she didn't want no spousal abusing drug dealing addict living with her. Thank god she did a background check I couldn't imagine living with someone like that. Even though the place I live no kind of sucks. My land lord works across the street and he is an ass. He comes here every day and goes in my room and shit. His son lives in the room next to mine and makes a huge mess but he complains about everything and I am a clean dude. I am the pretty much the only one who cleans up after I cook and eat.

It is just annoying having to worry about every little thing and not being able to have my dog sucks to. Plus for every day your late on rent it is $75 and it is month to month so at any time he can kick me out. I am afraid he will find my methadone or something from the clinic and kick me out because of it.

He already sold the house but he doesn't know when they are going to demolish it and turn it into a parking lot so eventually I will only have 30 days to find a new place. I can't find anywhere else that I can afford either and I can't move to Oklahoma where I want to go because I can't leave the state and my charges don't qualify me for interstate compact to have my probation transferred.

Enough about me thanks everyone for letting me vent and everything I am very frustrated and stressed out. I appreciate all the support.
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2015, 09:22:05 PM »


Talk about bullshit laws.

I'd like to see people start suing people for something as trivial as this.

What if I lose that awesome-paying job because I have THIS on my record (my adderall in my pocket!!).

It would only take a few successful lawsuits, where states lose MILLIONS of dollars, before other states reconsider their laws.

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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2015, 09:45:17 PM »


Talk about bullshit laws.

I'd like to see people start suing people for something as trivial as this.

What if I lose that awesome-paying job because I have THIS on my record (my adderall in my pocket!!).

It would only take a few successful lawsuits, where states lose MILLIONS of dollars, before other states reconsider their laws.

Problem is, the ones who can sue are the ones sitting behind the eight ball.

I was worried running around with my pills in the cutter, but I figured, they're MY prescription, right? What can they do?
A lot, I guess. Thanks, everyone.
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2015, 09:55:56 PM »
Unfortunately I think you would have to sue on a state level and have quite a bit of money for a lawyer. Or have a case that a lawyer thinks is winnable and worth enough for him to do it on commission. That is even if the state will even hear it in court. I think the chips would be stacked against us.

They would probably say it is the law. It is written that way for a reason(for the children for god sakes think of the children). If you want to change the law get a petition with 100,000 signatures of registered voters to have it put on a ballot to be voted on because we are the government and that doesn't sound like it will fatten our pockets so we won't hear it.

I would think that is usually how it goes. However if we find a way for them to make more money off not putting people in prison than putting them in then we might be heard. We could also just start lobbying and give $500,000 to each mayor, governor, senator, legislature, and every other body of government that goes into making laws for their "campaign". They can't take bribes of course only money for their campaign because they support whatever cause the richest man wants him to support.

I have heard quite a few stories of cpp getting possession charges and people on meds for lots of different reasons get stuck with a dui. It is sad and it generates to much profit to really fight. It is hard when the opposition is lining the pockets of people making and enforcing the rules. Also since they took people with felonies right to vote away, most of the people they fucked over don't have a say anymore.
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2015, 10:17:45 PM »
LOL at 'some chronic marijuana'

I noticed and LOLed at the exact same thing. That's a term I expect to hear from high-schoolers. It's pretty much meaningless no?
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2015, 02:37:32 PM »
This is definitely making me rethink what is in my emergency pill key fob.

Anyone know how (or if) this changes at home?  For example if cops come to your house looking for [whatever] and they find a bunch of prescribed they ALL need to be in their respective bottles?  Do they need to be un-expired (you know how most people have some old prescriptions sitting in their medicine cabinets)? 

Not so much interested in what's needed for charges to happen/not happen (because cops will charge you with anything) so much as what is needed to get those charges dropped in court...assuming all the meds were actually legit prescribed (at least at one point in your life). 
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Re: DEA Chief's Daughter Busted
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2015, 03:34:58 PM »
I am not sure Makita. I would think that you would be fine in your home as long as you have the prescription bottle there to prove that is legal. I doubt they could charge you for having expired meds at your house that are yours. Then again they can charge for so much bullshit now a days that nothing really surprises me. You can always say that you didn't want to throw them away for fear of someone going through your trash and getting to them. Or that you didn't want to flush them because you heard that you aren't supposed to that because it goes into the water. Or that you are waiting for the next prescription drug take back day to get rid of them because of one of the above reasons.

It still baffles me that you can goto prison for doing something in your own home that doesn't effect anyone or anything. It is sad that you can't have weed in the privacy of your own home with out the fear of people with guns kicking down your door killing you, your family, or your pets just because you have a plant inside of your own home. Especially when so many people have tried it,

I think the people who supported those laws should be required to take a polygraph test. If they fail and have used something they supported and helped made illegal that they are arrested and imprisoned for the maximum term of that crime. It is so sad that people who did the exact same thing vilify, imprison, and ruin peoples lives for something they themselves have done.

I also don't think that any one who works for the government besides teachers and firefighters should be able to make more than the median income for a family of their size in the us. They should be required to pay taxes, and not able to take bribes I mean campaign contributions for lobbyist either. That would weed out so many of those crooks and then people might only do it to better the place. Obviously you would still have the people who are doing it so they can protect themselves, live above the law, and make laws that allow them to profit more and protect their interests.

I just don't understand why we are shelling out $175,000+ a year for the rest of their life to a lot of these people. I also think the president should only make the median american income. They shouldn't get paid the same salary for the rest of their life either. They should have to work and put money back to retire instead of being able to leach off our tax dollars. If they did that we could probably get rid of the income tax which I think is stupid you shouldn't be able to tax someones labor if you tax every single thing they can buy.

Does anyone think that lobbying should be legal? Why would they think that if someone gives them $500,000 a year that the person isn't going to make and support laws, regulations, and everything else they can do to help that person profit. The very least they should be required to call it bribing and not lobbying. I'm sure they would be able to get around it but it would at least make it not so blatant and obvious. They would probably just say okay well we will buy something you own for 200x what it should cost, and give you a huge salary when you step down from office.

This country is so far in debt and on the edge of turmoil that it is stupid that the government is allowed to blatantly blow through money and make legislature that is vague so that the funds can be diverted however they see fit. Do you think the wealth gap will ever change? Do you think that anyone in office will ever do anything to help the majority instead of lining the pockets of the rich and connected? They have zero incentive to do so.

The koch brothers run the campaigns and throw money at both sides so they get everything they want. If they don't want a person to be elected they make the voting machines and can easily orchestrate who they want to win to do so. Do you think that is not true and that I am just a paranoid conspiracy theorist liberal?

Do you think that by cutting back on spending and stopping monopolies from forming and breaking up that ones that already have will have a positive or negative effect? Would businesses up and leave to places with few regulations if elected officials weren't able to take their money to pass laws that directly helped them profit more? Do you think it is worth the extra price to pay for things that are made here instead of from jobs that are outsourced? Is there to much money to be made for there to be a chance at change that improved everyones lives.

I think free enterprise and having a competing market is an amazing thing but I feel that the competition is over and the victors have won and now own everything to the point where they are making the rules. I think if they restarted the competition and split these things up and gave businesses a fair chance to compete that it would spread the wealth and allow more people and ideas to be successful.

I think of it as instead of one walmart you have 5 different businesses with 5 different ceo's and management's that make good money and are successful instead of one management and one family making all of the money. Obviously this is easier said than done and a whole lot would go into making that way. But if all the flaws and downsides of that were worked out do you think it would be a good thing?

I don't know what will work but am curious to hear what smarter people think and what they think should be done if anything at all. I don't know to much about policies, and the government and I would be interested to hear ideas and the negative sides of what would happen if some of these things happened from people who know more than I do. I think there are solutions to a lot of problems but they would have to come at the risk of the person who is proposing it. They would not profit be able to profit off it.

That is my government rant for the day I am interested in hearing what people think about that and why that would never work or why it is stupid. Do these ideas make communist or a socialist. Do they make me a dumb dreamer. If I were in the positions of the ones with a lot of money I dont know if I would want to give other people a chance and not want to keep all the money for myself and continue doing things that increase my profits at the expense of others.

I give a lot of respect to the Facebook guy I think he just donated 45 billion dollars to a non-profit that they plan on using all of that money for the greater good. I think that is awesome and I saw a lot of people bash him saying he was doing it for a host of different reasons to benefit himself like tax breaks and such. I think anyone who has that kind of money and gives most of it away has good intentions. He has already donated over a billion dollars to schools, hospitals, and a lot of other things. I think he is putting his money where his mouth is and actually trying to make a difference and set an example to others in his position.

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