source 1: 2: 55-62.7% | Insufflated 75-80% | Vapourized 67-90.3%.
There are huge differences in the different routes of administrations. I know all to well as I am also seemingly unable to be give up the needle. It's harder than anything. Anyways, here is a little information on the topic.
SMOKINGOnce Methamphetamine is heated to 200-400oC it produces the vapor of which you inhale out of a pipe(sometimes made of aluminum but it seems glass is by far the most popular piece). The efficiency of this route of administration is very high allowing the drug to be absorbed by the body.
Onset: 5-10 seconds
Duration: 2-4 hours
Coming Down: 2-6 hours
Residual: Up to 24 hours
INSUFFLATIONAnother popular method of consuming Methamphetamine is through Insufflation. When the drug is snorted up into your nostrils it is absorbed through the mucous membrane in the sinus cavity. This route of administration causes the drug to be absorbed straight into the bloodstream.
Onset: 5-10 minutes
Duration: 2-4 hours
Coming Down: 2-6 hours
Residual: Up to 24 hours
INTREVENOUSAs for use of Methamphetamine, this route of administration is extremely popular and by far the most dangerous. When compared to the previous two routes of administration already mentioned above, injection results in the highest blood plasma concentration of Methamphetamine. Almost immediately following injection the user is overcome with a sudden, intense, extreme rush of euphoria.
Onset: 0-2 Minutes
Duration: 4-8 hours
Coming Down: 2-4 hours
Residual: Up to 24 hours
ORAL ADMINISTRAIONWhile methamphetamine can be taken orally, like many other drugs it slows metabolic functions thus preventing its own absorption into the bloodstream, the peak blood plasma concentrations of methamphetamine are observed 3 hours after administration, lasting approximately 9 hours.
Onset: 20 - 70 minutes (May vary depending on stomach contents)
Duration: 3 - 5 hours
Coming Down: 2 - 6 hours
Normal After Effects: up to 24 hours
Source: Erowid