make life on beat tougher: ex-copRETIRED police officer Mike Newman said the biggest difference he saw in his 37 years on the job was the increase of the use and effects of drugs.
Following a stroke last month Mr Newman retired from his job as the officer in charge of the Mundijong Police Station.
Mr Newman has worked in a variety of positions from internal affairs and officer-in-charge to traffic in a range of locations from Merredin and Bruce Rock to Kensington, Cannington and most recently, Mundijong.
He said over the years he had witnessed many horrible crimes, but drugs, and the effect of drugs, was the major difference since he started in 1978.
“When I started it was alcohol, and that has always been an issue and always will be,” he said.
“But drugs have just overtaken and it is the violence that comes from the drugs as well.”
The 62-year-old said this, among other things, was one of the reasons the police had seen in increase in the weapons they used.
“When I first started I had a pair of handcuffs and a baton,” he said.
“Now look what the guys get around in. That is a reflection on society.
Mr Newman said he wanted to see police becoming more involved in the community.
“They can’t do it by themselves. We are there to provide a service and sometimes we need help from the public to get some results,” he said.
“I love the fact we have gone to community-based engagement ... I think it’s really important for people to get to know the police and really trust the police.”
Mr Newman said he had had an exciting career, but life as a police officer was nothing like it was on television.
“I haven’t shot anybody, but I have had my gun out quite a few times been in lots of high speed chases,” he said.
Mr Newman now plans to spend time with his children and grandchildren, and travel to Europe.