see: discusses, at great length, the following subtopics (some excerpts are included):
Overview of behavioural contexts and target audiencesWith the exception of this target audience, feedback from the specific target audiences resulted in three distinct behavioural contexts emerging. These included:
* Social Use: motivated by the disinhibitory effects of methamphetamines
* Functional Use: motivated by the enabling effects of methamphetamines and
* Dependent Use: motivated by the perception of normality from reliance on methamphetamines.
Social useAs a group, social users are also unique because of the parameters they place on their usage. More so than other user groups, social users place definable boundaries around their drug intake to ensure that use is kept under control. These boundaries are defined even more carefully when the methamphetamine being used is ice. The quotes below provide some examples of the parameters that social users place on their drug use:
"If I catch myself falling into the trap of doing it multiple days, binges, then I’ll have a break for a few months, just let myself chill and relax and get perspective again, I'm very careful."
"If I start overdoing it I have anywhere up to 6 months break and then I'll start having it again."
"I don't use everyday and I don't take more than anyone else around me is. It's only to go out on…you'd never do base by yourself…its no fun then".
"I'd never take drugs at work".
Functional usersFunctional use of methamphetamines is primarily motivated by the enabling effect of the drugs. Achieving a certain task is what use in this context is based upon. Most often, this refers to functioning in employment. In this context, methamphetamines are used to enhance confidence, alertness, concentration, motivation, energy and stamina, or suppress appetite and lose weight. Increases in one or all of these characteristics effectively enable the user to achieve the task more quickly or with greater thoroughness.
Attitudes of functional users to methamphetamine use differ markedly to that of social users. While social users readily recognise the illicit nature of their drug use, functional users are less inclined to. Those who use in this context self-permit methamphetamine use by justifying it as a 'means to an end'. Further, many functional users are reluctant to see themselves as drug takers, particularly the more regular users. Instead, many see themselves as workers simply trying to get the job done or people with a goal to achieve.

Dependent usersFor the purpose of this research dependent use has been categorised using the following definition: 'uncontrollable, compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences' 18. This definition has been used as it encompasses both psychological as well as physical dependence. Both health and social problems are included as indicators of addiction, rather than symptoms related to physical withdrawal being used as the only determining factor.
Therefore, users in the dependent behavioural context have been determined based upon their claims of uncontrollable, compulsive cravings that cause them to use methamphetamines repeatedly. This can be a craving for either the drug, or the act of taking the drug (particularly injecting). Many within this behavioural context were motivated to use methamphetamines by the sense of 'normality' they believed the drugs provided, allowing them to 'get through the day'. Other motivations for use include the temporary escape that methamphetamine use provides from mental and lifestyle problems, and for many injectors, it is the psychological fulfilment gained from using the needle. The quotes below articulate these motivations.
"I just can't do much but stay in bed unless I have it".
"The only time I feel normal and able to face the world is when I'm using".
"It's an escape...I don't have to think about my life and myself".
"It's all about the feel of the steel".
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