as i move deeper into the GHB/GBL/1,4-BD scene, i uncover more bizarre stuff from the users (read: addicted because it's easier and more enjoyable than seeking treatment options that don't really exist yet).
what i am seeing has made me extremely weary of this drug and I only use it on the odd occasion - it's really hard to find any consistency so getting your dose right is very hit-and-miss ... and it quickly becomes unpleasant if you call it wrong.
the users rarely fall asleep on their dose (when mixed with Meth) and instead, they do crazy shit like this: the video if you can (if not, then read the article below) - this (man in underwear, playing with traffic) is a friend of a guy i met just recently. G has a lot to answer for, it honestly is the craziest of shit because violence is very rare. Behaviour often characterised by stretching and internal yawning, moaning and groaning, crazy gestures, you name it !
Half-naked man weaves in and out of peak hour traffic in BondiAdam Bell, Wentworth Courier
July 7, 2015 3:23pm
MORNING peak hour commuters in Bondi were shocked to see a near naked man who appeared to be severely affected by drugs running in and out of traffic.
Just after 8.20am on Tuesday, the man was captured on video running erratically up Bondi Road in between cars and across busy intersections.
Witnesses saw him slap car windows outside Kemenys supermarket while moaning and yelling unintelligibly.
The man, who was wearing only black underpants and running shoes, headed north along Bondi Road darting across the intersection of Penkivil Street and into the path of oncoming traffic.
The man runs across Bondi Road as people watch on in disbelief.He then turned back toward the beach just as police arrived at the scene.
“I’m going to tell my kids about this and hope they never go near [drugs].” said a woman who watched the incident unfold.
Another witness, Randa Ollaik was opening her shop Taste Chicken when she saw the man outside.
“I saw a man running in and out of traffic and he was naked — only wearing his underwear,” she said.
“I was shocked because I thought it was very strange because it was so cold in this weather.
It looked like he was drunk or something.”
Police catch up with the man who was taken to hospital for assessment.Waverley Police duty officer Inspector Rob Roden said police took the 30-year-old man to hospital where he is now undergoing treatment.
“An amount of drugs was found on him and we are continuing our inquiries,” he said.
the guy told us that he had a fair bit of crystal in his underwear.WARNING: graphic speech coming up so look away now if you do not want to read it.
another UNDOCUMENTED story is that one girl friend of theirs was saying this to
everyone she meets
"F**k me in the ass with no lube now !" apparently the "people" have no memory of their bizarre antics.
concurrent Ice and G use is the norm and many just flip out ...
falling asleep like a narcoleptic is called "G-ing out" ... yes, people make bad judgement calls and drive (and crash) on this drug. People frequently go missing for many hours on end.
nobody is willing or able to taper, are afraid of the withdrawals so they keep on using, every day and a few times a day. Shit, i thought opiates were bad but this is a whole 'nother story. This is a medical problem and not really a legal problem as the laws aren't clear on this..
i think it's cruel to keep legally punishing these people just because they can't find a practical way out of their wacky world.
the price of "G" ranges from $2-$10 (average of $5) per ml. Most users seem to smoke their Meth when using "G" but there are ones that IV, of course (and i find 'em) ... apparently you can IV "G" but it would have to be in a very controlled setting and be pure-then-diluted and sterile. Easier just to drink it.
I observed that most people will take between 2 or 3 ml. only DESPITE being offered as much as they want - that was reassuring ! Some common sense prevails BUT it's the next dose, even a smaller one, that kicks in fast and hard - this is where they lose the plot.
this is the hidden G-scene that i found in the suburbs ... i think that i am only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
It also very much reminds me of the high-dose Zolpidem madness.