Sorry if this is a few paragraphs long. I just wanted to be clear.
Today, in Shreveport Louisiana, a man with an assault rifle stormed into the building right at 5 this morning, as soon as they opened. He took a few hostages to the back of the building and demanded he get all the methadone he wanted.
Apparently, this man was a former patient at the clinic who was kicked off for failing drug tests too many times with positive benzos results. If you fail twice at my clinic for that you get your dose reduced by 10 mg a day until you are at 0 then you are banned from the clinic indefinitly , as well as clinics like it.
He was trying to "commit suicide" by downing all the methadone he could get his hands on.
Pretty stupid , right?
I was in the building early this morning to get a docket of information for insurance purposes that I had dropped off at the clinic earlier this week. I'm trying to get reimbursed for the time I was at the clinic ( which was about 10 months now ) and with my new insurance they will do just they for the times I wasn't on insurance.
Today I went early this morning to go get my information and to mail it before the mail ran at my house because I really need the money, and sure enough right after I walk inside this big man wielding an "assault rifle" came barreling in . He let most of us go but took some of us to the back until he got his methadone then he let us go.
The swat team sat around on their asses for a few hours before sending in an armed robot which they sent into the room he was in and fired off a few flash bangs and by this time he was almost passed out. He was easy pickins at this point.
Scary shit, yall. Scary shit.
Here's a little link to the article.