Thanks guys, with all my heart,
This night I was able to get some sleep, thankfully. It is like a Godsend .
I realize my post was so much impetuous, confused and pretty much hysterical, so, just to clarify things,
@Zoops @DeadCat Formally, I was on 25mgs as I left the MMT for my own wish, still, whole this last Winter and Spring I used to buy extras and tipping.
My dose was as unstable so I can't even tell exactly how big habit I had/have developed.
Plus, to shed some light on it, I used to drink the sirup even 5 times a day, as a remedy not for strictly w/d but my personal issues.
And, what might be crucial here, I developed a "custom" to take a sip before I went to bed, not being able to fall asleep (I mean a full blown sleep).
I think it's way more complexed and involves more factors than just switching.
Guys, I AM on benzos right now (Clonazepam 2mg, Estazolam 2mg), but since I'm addicted to them at least as strong as to opies (or even more), they just doesn't help, they only prevent me from another one w/d,
as for a sleep deprivation they're completely useless to me , no matter the dose is, I may as well eating vitamines,
what I fully realize, so I'm doing my best at least not to increase the dose and only increase my benzo habit, which is bad enough just now.
Maybe not somehow enormous huge but...they are just kinda indispensable "foundation/groundwork" I need and I don't even notice them to be working, if you get my confused drift.
I'm anindulging myself anyway, adding to my MENU midazolam 15mg/night,
to makes matters worse
phenobarbital 200mg/night
what is another kettle of fish
Barbiturates are the last one sort of habit I'd "like" (huh), so to say, to develope...
I have an impression they just "cancel/delete my brain/mind", so to say, maybe evem more than benzos.
I'm afraid what happens when the time will come to withdraw those "extra menu items", lol. (midazolam and phenobarbital)
As for today, I attempt to focus myself on to just make it and make myself capable to "survive"/to go through this shit until things getting more stable without getting/putting myself forward??? (mentally) too far.
Especially as far as to consider ANY crucial I mean CRUCIAL matters.
Chosing/considering between prospective so called "sobriety" and "getting completely clean" is beyond of my range at at this moment,
@DeadCat .
Things are way way too much fleety and unstable to me right now to undertake/make any significant decisions.
It isn't subject to ANY pattern and schedule, so to say at this moment.
@dizzle Hey buddy,
The solution you mentioned about isn't unfamiliar to me, too.
And not as kinda "anindulge" or "excuse"/pretext to relapse, by no means, but as a part of "fair" game/fight, which isn't going to be lost (if you get me).
However, it is an ultimate solution, which, honestly, I'd rather prefer not to take into account, really.
This is what happened to my bf in the joint, as they put him straight from the jailhose hospital' detox (where he was given surprisingly,
I even think reckressly HUGE amounts of whatever he wanted, considering the circumstances, I mean) into a "regular" bunk/cell (I don't know how it calls in English),
and cut off of whole this "supplies" of benzos, tramadol etc. within just few days, as I believe.
He reported not to get ANY sleep at all for about one month long, just laying on the bunk, in clothes, like a zombie,
until they put some new inmate who has sneaked 1 clonazepam and 1 estazolam for his buddy inside.
The other inmates let the new guy give the pills to my bf immediately, as they were fed up of doing their time with a living dead.
He was strung out on benzos before we got caught, so it must have been a living hell, as I can figure.
Still, this pills he was given made kinda breakpoint, or how it calls.
The single benzo' episode, so to say, helped him to slowly regain strenght and relatively good shape.
Therefore I know it might be underestimate in some extremely positions.
Thanks so much for advice and your kindest words,
@dizzle .
@LadyKalma ,
@Dopeless Hopefiend ,
Thank you so so much, girls,
well, formally I'm on about... 2.5 mg of bupe, but my doc suggests not to restrict and restrain myself in gathering pills, since I'm in such a poor shape, feeling so bad and uncomfortable on them, until things getting stabilized to me.
I'm basically finding myself to need really modest dose to prevent the w/d as itself (this bupe doesn't work as a soporific at all, even on the contrary, as if there were some stimulant component "built in", what I appreciate as a potentiator of some cognitive abilities or so, but for a sleep it's completely in vain).
@LadyKalma ,
I'm not too much familiar with what you are talking about (I mean I exactly know the theory, but when goes right down to practice, I am kinda obstinate.
I mean I'm with those who aren't able to anindulge themselves at all, I know that might be soothing and calming to me, still it's always hard to me to bring myself to things like meditation etc.
I am a workaholic, to make matters worse.
I think, it's what brought me to the dope, an "instant calming down/relief"...
However, since I had to face with all this shit alone, something has been changed.
I'm just trying to make it, so it kinda forces some primordial, intuitional behaviours which promote surviving or how it call.
I'm pretty spoiled, so this is sort of extremity to me.
I attempt to care on myself. Finding myself doing things I'd never do if comfortable.
Intuitionally. Listening to my "higher self".
Keep walking through the park, what I honestly didn't enjoy never ever before.
Breathe... I know it helps, since it happened to me (intuitionally again) to just synchronize it with my heart-rhytm, mutely saying OM-mantra, as I couldn't fall asleep.
Also, once I found myself being intrigued and wanting to learn more about those "piece of sound" (or how it calls in English, I forgot it) having this or that frequency, which kinda enter you in a desirable state of mind or so, but of course gave it up.
I can only guess about your "alter ego" on Opio
.... glad to be sure if I'm right in it or maybe wrong
I recognize some traits, but still not sure enough.
THanks A LOT all of you, guys.
Did I ever say you're underestimate? Yesss, I guess. Thosands times.
Time to put fingers out of the keyboard (just for a while
, this is another one addiction) and try to occupy myself with something... more tangible?
ZThank you, Z.
But I'm afraid melatonin is inavailable here, at least like "right now".
As for increasing the dose, it's in vain to me, it just doesn't work to me this way. I can feel I have pretty much enough bupe in my system, maybe even too much, this is more mentally and benzo' issue, than anything else, so far I'm having an insight into what happens to me.
I'm not in an "acute w/d", this is JUST insomnia, depression and paranoia.
Thank you very much anyway