I think it is weird that they can approve something that can't be tested. Am I right that the FDA can't test anything on anyone under the age of 18. I think that anyone with a terminal illness should be allowed to be prescibed any medication that will help them regardless of age. Doctors shouldn't be barred from prescribing anything they deem necessary to help but then again so many doctors are horrible and corrupt so that isn't the best wish. I don't think that kids should be able to get percocet for a sprained ankle or anything like that but they should be allowed to be treated for extreme pain in situations that call for it like terminal illnesses or burn victims.. Just my thought it is definitely a touchy subject and most opinions about it I completely respect. We definitely do not need to get children addicted and keep increasing the addiction rates. They should try everything they can before choosing an opiate for pain control for anyone under the age of 21. I saw this on AOL news and some of the comments on their are so ridiculous. Some of the people on AOL that comment seem to be the most racist idiotic group I've noticed on news sites though.