Got some coke tonight, and after doing probably half a gram or more IV, I decided to have some deschloroetizolam, so i stuck my finger in the bag and licked off the tip, only to find a surprisingly spicy taste! Not sure where this would have come from, as I've not touched anything spicy recently, and since I last washed them, I would only really have the coke or H I just got on my hands while cooking up a shot or two. I'm thinking it's some weird cut in the coke but after tasting it and doing a numbie on the gums, it feels pretty normal too.
Maybe the spicy is just felt in lower concentrations? I'm primarily an IV user, so didn't taste it before shooting (stupid in retrospect - will always from now on for safety's sake), but other than that little bit on my finger, it seems like normal coke as even the bit I tasted later seemed fine. Maybe I'm just worrying over nothing, but it's got me a little paranoid that there's something nasty in here. I've heard about the horrors of levamisole, so I'm hoping it's not that. Any ideas?
Anywho, to stop my rambling, I was hoping to compile a list of cuts that people have seen or used over the years. We always hear about people putting metal filings or rat poison in weed to increase the weight or shit like that, but no respectable dealer wants to kill their customers, so what are the basic ones, and which obscure ones have you guys encountered? Not asking this to put it into action, just asking for reference so I know what to look for and what I'm getting. Here are a some I have encountered:
-"Red Rock Opium" incense (putty kind, sold as opium, not psychoactive AT ALL)
-Lactose (milk sugar, used w/ heroin)
-paracetamol/ibuprofen/NSAIDS (OTC pain meds, used w/ coke to increase weight. also had a dude try to pass it off as straight H, but that didn't go over well)
-RC stims (mainly back when bath salts were legal, sold as/used with coke to increase stimulation)
-lidocaine (local anesthetic/numbing agent, used w/ coke to increase numbing effect)
-amphetamines (stims used w/ coke or MDMA to increase stimulation)
-an actual rock (sold as a "rock" of crack - I know it's not a cut, but I had to include for humor's sake. Was ACTUALLY sold this, btw)
-green construction paper (dude sold me a $20 nug of weed that turned out to be green paper wadded up. long story, but it was included for comic effect, yet again)
Also, I have a question regarding a weird cut in some H that I got last year - it was light tan powder, pretty weak quality, and you had to heat it to get it to dissolve. Once it went into solution, if you let it cool for like 30-45 seconds, it was turn to this weird jelly stuff that you couldn't shoot for obvious reasons. This was street H too, not some morphine pill with anti-abuse mechanisms. You either had to do that shit quick, or do a cold shot so it didn't all dissolve. Weird shit, and I heard about a guy having it gel up in his arm and having to go to the hospital. I called that dealer and told him to stop slinging the bullshit and call me once he had better stuff - needless to say he wasn't selling it for very long.
Hope to hear if anyone else has some interesting ones!