Yes, test shots are essential. They may not sound "fun" or "ideal" because you've been waiting hours for your dealer to call you and you're sick. The possibility of overdose isn't at the top of the list of concerns when someone is in withdrawal. Most of the time, the first and only thing on one's mind is to get the drugs in and get well. There's a thin line between high and respiratory depression/arrest.
A lot of overdoses happen when people decide to use after a period of abstinence. It's so easy to do the same amount that you used to do for months/years on end. People are under the assumption that if they stop using for even a few weeks that their tolerance doesn't drop all that much. That's not the case. If you're in this lifestyle for a decent amount of time, odds are you know of someone that overdosed from using after a period of clean time. Test shots safe lives. If sniffing/smoking is your thing, the same applies.
I can speak first hand about calling during an emergency. I am a paramedic and have woke people up with Narcan (naloxone). I don't know about other countries but in the USA, most parts of the country will not press charges for calling for help when someone is experiencing an overdose. I know this still might spook some people into thinking they will get in trouble. It's easy to get paranoid and/or scared when someone falls out on you. Just know that, under the right circumstances, you will be in a lot more trouble if someone dies at your residence.
A tip for calling EMS: If someone is potentially overdosing, call the emergency number and tell them you or someone else is having "difficulty breathing." Depending on the district, cops will not respond to a medical call. However, they ALWAYS come to every call where someone mentions drugs or overdose. They are not trying to hunt people down to arrest them. They respond for the safety of the EMS personnel. There is a city that I work in that the police respond to every medical call no matter what because the fire department doesn't respond to medical calls. Also, the police will respond a lot of times to rural/county areas where the sheriff patrols because they have nothing better to do. I can say with confidence that I have never seen the police press charges on anyone for calling help for an overdose. They always just confiscate the drugs/paraphernalia.