credit for this mod goes to [SiNaN] (to me only the blames for having uploaded it only after several months...sorry everybody)
This mod adds an admin page where all the active hooks are presented.
Starting with version 1.3 it's possible to disable active hooks.
Please note disable hooks will most likely remove functionalities added by mods and in certain cases could break your forum! Do it only if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing
...I know this warning is useless and someone will eventually break it...

...well, it's not my fault.
Admin »Modification Settings »Integration Hooks
bug fix on line 327 in
$sort[] = $$sort_options[0];
// $sort[] = $$sort_options[0];
if ($sort_options[0] == "hook")
$sort[] = $hook;
if ($sort_options[0] == "function")
$sort[] = $function;
if ($sort_options[0] == "file_name")
$sort[] = $file_name;
if ($sort_options[0] == "status")
$sort[] = $status;
Never remove hooks unless you know exactly why you wish to do so.