Before you buy Lorcet online, it is fairly important that we tell you everything we know about the drug. Lorcet is a narcotic pain reliever that is taking to treat moderate to severe pain.
The drug is a combination of two elements – Hydrocodone, an opioid, and acetaminophen, an over-the-counter analgesic.
Hydrocodone combination products were rescheduled by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in 2013 due to high rates of diversion and abuse. Dangerous side effects, including depending on the drug for survival and addiction.
Later, the drug was moved from Schedule III to the more tightly controlled and regulated Schedule II. It proves that Lorcet is a drug that has a high potential for abuse.
This is so because Schedule II is the highest level of regulation for drugs, which have a high potential for abuse in the U.S.
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