minds:// hope that all 4 people that use this website (I know who the MID's I am: Chip, Brian, Ray and Mike) will find this of interest because it's taken both hours and 40 years. Prep your DOC dose, get toasted and sit back and read
Etymology: JunkyAs a lifetime omni-drug user, i get to observe and dig deep into the mindset of some quite substantial subculural behaviour and customs of the various substance (ab/)users, whilst subconsciously getting to the root of their habits and making them feel better about the cause+effect of trauma+self-medication+fun+guilt, conflict of interests etc.
Yes, I often patiently probe and often, they're gonna end up in tears !
what a cunt, right ? you decide ... or a street pychopharmacotherapissed ?
Only 2 drugs stand out really stand out, those being the diametrically opposed opioids and opiates (Heroin etc.) and stimulants (Methamphetamine or METH etc.) and the other wildcard is the GABAergic range.
Gambling is a DA mimic and that is more like a Coke jag ... I have omitted this because i am still doing my testing and i'm still a GABA church mouse and not a proper Lab Rat for you drug cats but it's akin to steering a big ship ... more to come.
Now, I like the term
junky and it has a lightly weighted and positive (+ve) valence to me because it reminds me of the guys who used to and still do find scrap metal and sell it to the junkyard to raise funds for the purchase of Heroin. Sure, some will mention the "sale of the grand-mother" and the urge to redose is so powerful, it is non-negotiable for almost everybody, most of the time. I respect that. Needles are just cost-effective.
However, the 'tweaker' assigns disdain to it; a heavily weighted negative (+ve) valence) and is the lowest possible insult to a fellow user or
any human being, for that matter !
we're talking about selling
both grandparents (perhaps the 'shoot/slam' something that works faster by smoking is representative of my own biases) and be so more likely to engage in prolonged delinquent stinkin' thinkin' by planning property crime against fellow users to satisfy a ridiculously inflated reward system that was running fine for 4.5 billion years and then somebody shifted the expected REWARD markers all the way past 770 (and upon withdrawal, lowered the PENALTY misery markers proportionally) up by a factor of at least 7 times to 11 (don't quote me but you get the idea)
It's also a paradox and it's fucked up.
They will often addict other people for all the wrong reasons. NEVER DO THAT ! (but yet some still do and age may not be an obstacle, ya feel me ?)
Neuroplasticians (or Neuropolymerists, as i prefer to call them) will no doubt attest to this being a likely genetic transposition affecting transcription that will be passed on to the next generation, also.
I have never seen more bad and conniving behavior and mistrust associated with what i just mentioned than any other drug.
Love me those sweet opiates !
Drug CeilingsWith Gabaergics, Anasthetics, Full Agonist Opi's, Cocaine, there is no ceiling and nor is there with Alcohol (as would be Cocaethylene etc.)
Partial Agonists-Partial Antagonists like Buprenorphine have the lowest ceiling and the safest OD profile of any analgesic drug or opioid that i have ever known.
METH has a negative ceiling as the more you take, the more lousy (on the alternating downward cycle (~ve) valence), the worse you will feel as side-effect turns you from euphoria to *shock* and all things psychopunitive.
Expetative DissonanceWiki or the Point of Diminishing/Diminished ReturnsOver 240 mg of Morphine is like pissing in the wind and can still die if you keep going but, even worse, you won't get any higher.
If you take METH for a few days then you can start at 20 mg. (a drug-naive and end up at 1000 mg., having
My Usage Profile Snapshot TodaySo, after a fucked up and messy but deep neuroregenerative, neuroprotective and physiorestorative 3.5 hours of REM sleep from some GBL (yay, i found some) i figured that would be equivalent to about 2 nights of normal sleep.
This was after the night before of low-dose (10 mg.) Temazepam, typical-dose of Dothiepin HCl (a defunct TCA for depression and sedation), (1.5 slightly-overdose by 1.5 G) 5 G beta-phenyl-GABA (or Phenibut) and the nicest DA (Dopamine) attenuator (Olanzapine causes RLS with 3-4 half-lifes or
125 mg. of a 1940's PSYCH medication that was the forerunner to CPZ/Thorazine/Chlorpromazine/no-more asylms-or-straight-jackets-or-LOBOTOMIES) medication called
Promethazine (or Phenergen).
During the day, I made my own crude
racemicWiki mixture of the
right mirror molecular image/most active or d(extro)-METH and the
left mirror molecular image/inactive(cures stuff noses but has a rebound stuffy-up effect on cessation)l(evo)-METH
enantiomersWiki by combining two sweet bags of !
This fine tuning of one's METH can result in a low-kidney and body load (they say 70% dextro and 30% levo is the bomb!).
Some Quality AdviceI always drink HUGE amounts of water to flush out the kidneys as End Stage Renal Failure killed my friend who started on Liquid Methedrine Ampules when it was the wonder drug of way-back-when.
The Paradox: that's right - I spend a fortune, risk my social and legal standing to acquire the drug ONLY to diligently excrete up to 50% of the source drug (not broken down having gone a catabolic process (due to it's dual action as a DA Reuptake Inhibitor) and nor has it been subsequently reassembled as a metabolite (PMA or PMMA).
Yes, I sweat, cry and piss half of my multiple-risk-drug down the crapper ! Is that stupid or what ?
You will develop the irreversible GABA
apoptosisWiki and DA neurotoxicity and associated possibly permanent neurotransmitter dysfunction and certain cell death !
Do you want to end up like me and be rolling that die ? I have devoted my body and brain to this website so it's for a good cause.
NEVER TRY METH BECAUSE IT'S, FOR SOME OF US, WE WILL NEVER, EVER STOP and if we are forced to, may remain depressed, angry and broken until death!