So my partner and I head deep into regional NSW, Australia.
I am on "Psychiatric Leave" for being a serial offender for yelling at my boss (fucking young and stupid b**ch).
WTF Chip ? I thought you were cooler than that ? Me too but ... try a week on METH without hardly any REM sleep, alcohol, working hard and diligently, doing your best and then see if YOU don't lose it when questioned about something infinitesimally trivial (and being made to look foolish in front of all your colleagues) ... I love women but the jury is out about Indian (am i some sort of Untouchable ?) girls in power (over me) LOL !
I don't give much of a fuck as i am ready to retire, ready to cash my 401K (if you are American) or Superannuation (if you are Australian) in and aready to spend my retirement on becoming a full-time, red necked tweaker etc. etc.
I am eligible at 57 (4 more months).
But i would love to return to work.
Anyways, my girl saw this letterbox (she is a staunch anti-drugs campaigner from Asia) >>>>
... and here is a picture of my partner. It will be pulled soon so if you thought i was gay then think again. We have known each other and lived together for around 30 years. We have separate lives but we share a mortgage. It's complicated but our living arrangement works. we also have a simple rule - I can't bring any of my dodgy mates home and if she is entertaining then I get plenty of notice.
What can we learn from this ? This: if you have a severe poly-drug addiction and seek love then find someone diametrically opposed (and who does NOT take or even condone drug use). In my case love turned into deep friendship.
The key to a perpetual and mutually reverent relationship ? Humour, moral and ethical compatability + empathy.
Final thoughts on this > find someone complimentary and hopefully smarter than yourself.