I don't understand why dealers would wanna use carfentanyl. I mean I understand why but it's just not reasonable to think they're gonna be able to cut it correctly using such a strong product. You can make a killing without killing all your customers with normal fent so just stick to that and don't go for the carfentanyl. I mean there's a million mg's in a kilo so with normal fent, that'd be a million (or even 10 million) doses for a few thousand dollars which is an awesome markup for the dealers. No reason except extreme greed to go to carfentanyl so you can get 100 million doses of 10mcg's (or a billion doses of 1mcg) of carfent for a few thousand dollar kilo.
Doing the math on this shit makes me wish I would've gotten a kilo of fent for $1500 when I had the chance. Get an expensive mcg scale and weigh out 10 million bags of 100mcg's of fent. Even selling them for $5 would make you $50 million or sell 'em for $10 and make $100 million! I wouldn't mind paying a dealer $5-10 for 100mcg's of pure fent. I'd have to do 2-3 bags every couple hours but you'd have awesome pain control if you had a long acting opioid medication to go with the fent shots. Hell, even if you had to sell the bags for $2 'cause everybody bitches that it doesn't have any H in it, you'd still make $20 million off of ONE kilo.
I still wish the dealers would only get the fentalogues with a longer duration of effect than normal fent and maybe like 1/3 or even 1/10th of the potency of normal fent. That way, they might be able to cut it better and not have as many deaths as with normal fent and/or carfent. If I'm wishing though, I guess I'd wish for good H with just a little normal fent in it. Like for every .1 of heroin, they should put in maybe 50-100 mcg's of fent. I gotta admit that I do prefer good H with fent in it even though it's more dangerous but I wish dealers would be more honest with their customers when it has fent in it and especially when they get word that somebody OD'd off a pretty normal dose.