A little while ago, after too much METH, I caught myself getting really pissed at every little thing (including yelling at my boss, LOL [how to commit employment suicide]) and have yet to smooth it over ...
So I tried to get some Lorazepam (limited abuse potential, no active metabolites like Diazepam) from my regular doctor(s) but they were unexpectedly shut.
OK, I knew that I could probably get some Alprozolam and since a friend offered to share the driving, he could get that and some "Hammer",as we call it. I didn't really want Heroin but I could get some oral Oxy+Naloxone for my trouble.
I was expecting to feel really mellow, warm and everything that opiates used to give me.
But this time there was only a slight sense if nausea.
I had 60 mg. The naloxone is not active orally. Even if I did like opioids they simply no longer have any appeal whatsoever ... and that makes me a lucky sonofabitch !