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Author Topic: got arrested yesterday  (Read 9413 times)

Offline bignasty (OP)

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got arrested yesterday
« on: August 03, 2018, 08:53:23 PM »
First of all, fuck blue lives. They don't matter shit to me and wish they'd all die at once. BLM movement will never get the respect it deserves til the average white person gets pulled over 2-3x per month and harassed for little stupid shit and plead guilty to shit they ain't guilty of just 'cause the cop lied on his report of what happened.

Anyway, I'm driving to work and 'done clinic so I can support my family of 4 as I'm the sole breadwinner. My license got suspended at 12 AM August 2nd and school started yesterday morning too. I get pulled over at 730 AM August 2nd for going 47 in a 30 (47 in a 40 in my mind) because I was still in a school zone even though there are no kids around and I'm half a mile to a mile down the road from the school. Runs my info and takes forever til his back up gets there. Then, it's turn off your car and step outta the vehicle. Had 3 kpins in my hand 'cause I figured I was going to jail so I swallowed those as soon as I turned my car off and before I got out.

They throw me against my car like I'm 7' tall and 300 lbs of pure muscle even though I'm cooperating with everything. They tell my wife she's gotta get there by 815 or they're towing my car. The biggest dickhead of the 2 was determined to tow my car so he's filling out the tow form even while the nicer cop is on the phone with my wife giving her ideas on what to do with her car while she comes to move my car. She gets there at 819 and my car is gone. She calls my phone, cop answers and says yeah we went ahead and towed it.

Dickhead cop also pulls something out of my car door and holds it up like he found some drugs or something. I have no clue what it was but I noticed he started smelling my RX bottles and got on his knees looking under my seats and all thru my car. Didn't find shit so I'm charged with driving on suspended license and speeding in a school zone. $976 worth of fines but I pay bail bond guy 15% to get out.

Bail bond guy says it'll take him 20 mins at 8 AM. He gets there at 930. They put me in a holding cell which I've never seen before because it's a locked holding cell AND they cuff my to the concrete bench where I literally can't move.

Finally get out of jail and they need a licensed driver to give the release form for my car to. My wife gives em her driver's license and they run it. It's suspended too cuz of a speeding ticket that she paid 2 wks late but they said it was fine and they wouldn't suspend her license and wouldn't put a warrant out or anything. She's also got a warrant for a bad check but they said it's over 100 miles away so they weren't going to arrest her.

While she's in the police station getting her license ran, I'm out in her car with our 3 yr old. It's 1030 and clinic stops dosing at 11 so I tell her I'm gonna leave and come right back. She said ok bring me my purse. I give her her purse and go dose. As soon as I get to clinic, I turn her car off. Immediately it hits me that I have her car and no keys. She has keys but no car. We're like 2 miles apart AND it's raining. She tried to call 2 cab companies. 1 didn't answer at all, other 1 was busy like the phone was off the hook. So she starts walking towards the clinic but a nice guy picked her up and gave her a ride.

To top it off... my adds, ambien and kpins are locked in my car at the towing place. We ask the cops where my car is and they give us the address. Get there and they tell us another towing company is doing the cops' towing for August. I ask them where the other towing place was and it was literally like a quarter of a mile down the street from the police station. All my meds were still in my car though and I could tell that dickhead cop tore all thru my car looking for drugs/weapons 'cause shit was thrown everywhere and everything was out of place.
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Re: got arrested yesterday
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2018, 04:08:37 PM »
Damn buddy you got GOT.... Im sorry. As far as PIGS go, they can all get fucked. Hard.

If you don't mind me asking. Are you a Felon (or have a Felony in your past?)

I only ask because you seem to get the same kinda treatment that I get. If you have a felony on your record, I think its mando that they call for backup. I got caught in a similar situation.

These blue wearing fucks are a bunch of scary ass MFers, Lemme tell you. I had one of my kids BLUE plastic dart guns in the backseat. Got cuffed up, sat on the curb... And proceeded to watch as 3 cruisers and 1 unmarked proceed to TEAR MY SHIT APART!

BIG fuckin time bro... Left all my shit all over the side of the road, and they damn near booked me for having a toy gun.

Im sorry those fucks put you thru all of that misery, and your kid and ol' lady to boot.

I had my own car woes today as well, I paid for a license last year, but I for the life of me couldn't pass the GD vision test....I have horrid vision that I kinda nulled out all the kinks and even got good at shooting shit with a handgun at 75 ft, accurately. I just cant read street signs at night and shit. But I get hella headaches without some specs when I read or drive.

So I put my very last $250 on Insurance and Fucking Glasses.... Get to the DMV, and they say that my reinstatement of my license expired on July 31, so they want me to pay $35 for a new one. And Im flat fucking broke and just got laid off from work. And I NEED the GD license for a really good job.

It sucks when $35 may as well be $35 Million.... Im fighting off my back also, and its a constant theme in my life.

Sometimes I just wanna pull up stakes and just fucking GO... anywhere. Run.

Sorry homey, Im derailing your shit.

Providing for others, and being the sole breadwinner.... Its tuff. Its work. Its worth it.

But sometimes...... I just feel like Im one fuck up away from losing the farm. I need work... Like 5 days ago.

I feel your pain BigNasty. I feel your pain.

Hang tuff.
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Re: got arrested yesterday
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2018, 08:43:18 PM »
Not a felon but I've been charged with 3 but never convicted of one. 2 of them (aggravated assault to simple assault & felony assault on a LEO to simple assault on a LEO) got dropped to misdemeanors and I got pre-trial diversion for a RX fraud charge.

It's the assault on a LEO that makes them act so scared of me no matter how compliant I am and makes them dicks to me that don't wanna help me out in any way or give me a break on any little thing. First time I got arrested for driving on a suspended license (the day I walked for college graduation) I heard the radio come on in the cop car when he was searching my shit and they said "be advised, suspect has prior assault on a LEO conviction" so I'm guessing they can see that every time I get pulled over and they're "getting even" for the sheriff that I kicked the ever living shit out of (In the face, IN THE FACE!!) when he yanked my cuffs on my broken arm as hard as he could.

Sounds like you're in the cycle of being broke and having bad luck like me Snoop. Need a license to get a job but don't have the money to get a license. It's always some crazy catch 22 like that in my life too. Like now, I need to drive to work but ain't supposed to 'cause my license is suspended. How do they expect me to pay my DUI fines if I can't drive to work? Richard Pryor was right about the justice system being "Just Us" system. He meant black folks but now it's just poor folks IMO. Only color that matters in court is green. Blacks probably do get arrested more but I KNOW poor folks either get convicted or plead guilty to something they didn't do way more than rich people 'cause they can't afford to risk it by going to court or can't afford any more lawyer fees.

"Still running against the wind" as Bob Seager said.

Post Merge: August 06, 2018, 09:05:24 PM
My license got suspended at 12 AM August 2nd and school started yesterday morning too. I get pulled over at 730 AM August 2nd for going 47 in a 30 (47 in a 40 in my mind) because I was still in a school zone even though there are no kids around and I'm half a mile to a mile down the road from the school. Runs my info and takes forever til his back up gets there. Then, it's turn off your car and step outta the vehicle. Had 3 kpins in my hand 'cause I figured I was going to jail so I swallowed those as soon as I turned my car off and before I got out.

I got to thinking about it and my license got suspended at 12 AM central time, 1 AM eastern time. I got pulled over at 730 eastern so my license had really only been suspended for 6 and a half hrs, not 7 and a half like I was thinking.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 09:05:24 PM by bignasty »
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Re: got arrested yesterday
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2018, 08:45:29 PM »
^^^lol "IN THE FACE" huh? I bet that felt satisfying. I would have liked to pop the one that had his gun to my head in the face. He and his cronie committed civil asset forfeiture then let us keep our beer despite us being underage (wtf?). Yea they have something against shooting beer cans with air rifles.
My husband's stories of cop run-ins are worse. Lead vests and beatings about the torso.
No arrests though, woo!
Most of them can kiss my ass.
I hope things get better for you. Fo' real man.
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"You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."-Malcolm X

Offline bignasty (OP)

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Re: got arrested yesterday
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2018, 09:16:31 PM »
^^^lol "IN THE FACE" huh? I bet that felt satisfying. I would have liked to pop the one that had his gun to my head in the face. He and his cronie committed civil asset forfeiture then let us keep our beer despite us being underage (wtf?). Yea they have something against shooting beer cans with air rifles.
My husband's stories of cop run-ins are worse. Lead vests and beatings about the torso.
No arrests though, woo!
Most of them can kiss my ass.
I hope things get better for you. Fo' real man.
Very very satisfying after all the racial shit he'd said and the fact that I took like 50mgs of kpins in the back seat of the cop car while he was driving and told him to take me to the hospital so they could pump my stomach. He said I hope u die white boy, I ain't taking you nowhere but jail. This was before I found out that it's really hard to OD on benzo's alone so I didn't give a fuck anymore as I thought I was gonna die anyway.

It was a perfect kick with my boot hitting his entire face perfectly and caught him coming towards me so it was a really hard kick that stunned him for a few seconds. He was diving aggressively at me in the back seat so I just fell back on the seat and kicked him as hard as I possibly could. I could've beat his ass if I wasn't arrested 'cause he was stunned and injured for long enough for me to get on him and finish him off had I not been cuffed.

They charged me with felony assault on a LEO at first but he did so much illegal shit that night that they dropped it to a misdemeanor, one of 6 that I got that night LOL. When he got me in a holding cell, he got 2 big black dudes outta their cell and said talk to them like u just talked to me. I said some racial shit to them (LEO started it) and he took them back to their cells but the fact that he did that at all as a threat is illegal as fuck. I'm sure my mugshot helped get it dropped to a misdemeanor too 'cause he ripped my shirt almost completely off and threw me up against walls and his car and shit.

Speaking of being underage and being allowed to keep your beer, I once got pulled over with a tank of nitrous in my trunk. DEA guys took it and arrested the guy that it belonged to but let me and my friends keep our liquor and beer since "none of these letters stand for alcohol". Coolest LEO I've ever met in my life. He actually thought rationally and let innocent folks go even though he could've arrested me and charged me with all kinds of shit since it was technically in my car. 
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Re: got arrested yesterday
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2018, 03:08:12 AM »
Went to court yesterday: For DUI in MS, I got $996 worth of fines and 6 mos of probation which is $35 a month.

For speeding in school zone and driving on suspended license in GA, I got $976 worth of fines, $50 for court costs even though I plead "No Contest", 40 hrs of community service, 1 day in jail and 24 MONTHS OF PROBATION at $49 per month. Judge asked if I got arrested and went to jail when I got the tickets and I just said yeah instead of saying yeah for about 2 hours and thank God I did 'cause she said "okay, I'll give you credit for time served so you won't have to spend a day in jail".

My license was suspended for 6.5 hrs when I got pulled over and Dept. of Transportation letter said my license would be suspended on Aug 3rd at midnight so I thought that meant I could drive all day on Aug 3rd but got pulled over at 7:30 AM on Aug 3rd and they said it was suspended. They shoulda said Aug 2nd going to Aug 3rd at midnight because I thought they meant Aug 3rd going to Aug 4th at midnight. It was also the very first day of school and these gay ass fuckin cops were radar'ing instead of having blinking traffic signs on the side of the road or having a cop car with their blue lights flashing on side of road so everybody knows to slow the fuck down and school is in session.

Shit makes me sick how cops and towns use shit like that to make money instead of to truly protect and serve. If their job is to protect and serve, the kids would be a lot safer if there was a cop car with blue lights flashing at both ends of the school zone. But they wouldn't make money that way so of course they ain't gonna do that. They should change it to "harass, abuse power and make money" instead of "protect and serve". I actually kinda feel bad that I hate cops as bad as I do 'cause you know there's the 1 in a million good guy cop out there that truly does wanna be Andy Griffin (Griffith?) and just take care of his/her community. I saw one on TV news one night that said "I'd rather help a stranded motorist change a flat tire on the side of the road than to make a felony arrest". If he was being honest instead of just BS'ing for the cameras, that's a good cop and how ALL cops should think. But most of them get off on ruining people's lives and throwing them in cages like fucking animals. It's sad that those kinda cops probably let their dogs sleep inside and run around the house 'cause they feel bad putting them in a cage all night. Yet, they don't feel the slightest bit of empathy or guilt for putting a HUMAN BEING in a cage for days, weeks, months, years, decades at a time for silly shit like selling weed.

This fucking judge I had gave everybody that plead guilty or no contest AT LEAST 12 months of probation. Then, come to find out after court, it's a private company that does the probation so she's probably getting a huge kick back for every person she puts on probation. One chick got a driving without insurance ticket which is common in the South where everybody is too broke for car insurance and the judge gave her a huge fine and 12 months of probation. I told 'em "I've been to a lot of courts in my life but this is by far the strictest, craziest court I've ever seen in my life". I should've plead not guilty and fought it but god damn, I'm scared I would've gotten a few months in jail had I fought it and pissed 'em off instead of pleading "No Contest".
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