Im just like any other human that enjoys to educate and if a (health) problem arises that ive dealt with before, and i have the opportunity to help them from my mistakes and misery I learned first-hand, Im going to explain how i healed/got better.
Only one problem:
my buddys best friend has a GNARLY track mark on left inside elbow, its turning black like Jared Leto on Requim for a Dream. Gangrene is obviously spreading, if not treated SOON, its gonna be amputated.
**My mistake**
Talking, yes i know. Terrible
About what? Well i got as far as saying "a speaker at rehab told a story of how he saved his arm in the same condition."
I spoke only the first 3 words, before getting cut off mid sentance to tell me, i dont wanna hear about no damn needles
Shut up with that i did. I cant believe i didnt ask permission to speak in my apartment, even worse. Saving your best friends life? Im obviously lame AF. Cuz i care about friends and family. Moving on.
I let this "friend" crash from outta town for 4 days, he could get any hot chick, but he's creepy as fuk .One last side note, ive noticed tons of people with an IQ akin to room temperature) he refuses to believe anything and dismisses all proof. I only say for certain when im 100%, so i tell him, dont believe ANYTHING i say. But when he tells me im wrong, I pull up a chair and open a beer and pop some popcorn.
Fun quotes correcting my ignorance:
* telling him diamorphine comes from acetic anhydride and morphine. Lots of insults from that, lets move on
*Any acid or base and be reversed, (his quote: you cant turn base cocaine to its acid form!)
* GBL can be synthesized to GHB using NaOh, his answer lol..." EVERYONE would do it if it was simple.
* Flunitrazepam aka Rohypnol is in NO way in hell a benzodiazepine, the cherry on top was telling him that was a intermediate benzo with many others quite more potent.
*3 times in 2016, orders from china that my terrier kept ordering came in mail-Fent analouges. I got a 30 min lecture of how that never happened, cuz its impossible, for new, non-scheduled plant food to be shipped. Lol
* last (but not least) one for this post, although i could go on and on. I told him Fentanyl is a fully synthetic 4 step synthesis and its first step is extract from black pepper aka piperine (black pepper extract).
So, dude that has an arm looking black like Jared Leto in R.F.a.D, i tried to get your "best friends to relay vital info, i like both my arms, i assume he does too. Sadly, the info was rejected, poor dude. I inject but never plan on extreme damage. Ive met the dude 4 times with the fucked arm, i dont know him, but i love to help people.
I was told 3 times today "shut up, dont nobody care about what u saying..." thinking he put my dumb ass in my place, I gave a smile knowing he just altered the future not for the better.
P.S. Were talking of hustles to do to come up on $$$, mine were 90% +/- legal ideas...shot down immediately with a side of shit talking. But HIS "bulletproof"idea...:
*here's his genius, stage a breaking & entering into my small ghetto studio apt, call cops & collect insurance and ride into the sunset with $10,000-$14,000.
Oh yeah, he's hitting on my chick thats my using buddy. She's fun, but 20 years olders then me, and most importantly, shes crazy and happy, or crazy and go mentally. He's normal when its just us, but when my female friend came, he became a dickwad to impress this girl.
Im only 34, i graduated high school and did 2 years community college. Finding someone thats rational with a normal IQ these days is a myth. No student loans for me, because "You can pay for school, but you CAN'T
Buy class."
**This was posted on thiz fourm because everywhere else people dont care. Thank you for letting me vent. If i spend another millisecond around this ungrateful guest getting in my face, calling me a liar cuz he's 100% sure hydrocodone is WAY stronger then oxycodone, and Percocet, Norco, and Vicodin are different then hydrocodone 5mg,7.5mg,10mg and/or oxy-c with apap/ acetaminophen.
If 1 out of 10,000 people get the info ive learned and shared,ill die a happy man, also i get my kicks & giggles in life my being observing avarage citizens. When i walk, i actually keep my phone in my pocket! Weird, yes. Who does that?
Lets end this on a positive note:
I got f-ing awsome bth and decent crystal. I wrote this first cuz in 5 min, it'll be a momentto reflect, laugh, and then repeat. Sorry for making the world a better place, in the process im the fool, but ima keep it up. Its addicting, selflessness that only costs a smile!
(Next post, someone teach me to be a unforgiving sociopath)
Being polite isnt how you handle bid-ness. Im a rude dickhead rarely, and those times you get respect, chicks, and people flock to you.
Damn Bass-Ackwards world.