I just hafta share this story. Im still a bit shell shocked.
My ex came by the other day to say hi. Shes never been a big user, but shes had her problems. Its been at least six months since shes used any opiates. She asks me for a bit, so i fix her up with a weak rinse off the shot i fixed for myself. I gave her a teeny tiny bit, then go to the other room to dig around for a vein. She says she barely feels anything. I can here her talk8ng in the other room, then i hear a bang. She says Oops, I fell down...
I didn't hear her say anything for a while so i went to check on her and she is out cold. I carry her into my bed, get her on her side, and she starts seizing and puking. So i go for the narcan. Im freaking the fuck out, trying to get the syringe into the vial to give her a dose. No dice, my hands are too shaky. I look back to her now, and she is not breathing, her eyes are fixed open, and she has turned purple. Fuck... Anyway, i remember i have these auto injectors i got from the exchange. I hit her with three of th9se, but still nothing. Im beyond freaking out now.
I call 911 and get an ambulance out to my place. While theyre on their way, the operator has me do chest compressions, then cpr. After a few breaths, bam... Shes back...
Shes fucked up as shes ever been, but breathing when the ambulance gets there. They take her to the er, i meet her up there and sit with her the rest of tbe night...
They discharged her a bit later that night and shes fine now. I just had to share this story. Im so grateful for my local needle exhange.
At the hospital they told me what a great guy i was for saving her life but fucck that. I felt horrible. After all, i almost killed her...
Anyhoo, stay safe, guys and girls...