I got kicked out of my old doctor when the 'done clinic I was going to did a PMP on me and found out I was getting 'done from the clinic and from my doctor. Anyway, months later, my wife goes to my old doctor to get on suboxone and the doctor goes on to tell her "your husband used to come here but he was going to the methadone clinic and coming here to get methadone". I mean WTF is that shit? Is that not a huge HIPAA violation?
What can I do about this? My wife is cool and knows everything I do but what if she wasn't cool and this bitch doctor could've caused a divorce and/or custody problems for me.
I no longer go to the 'done clinic so I've seriously been thinking about talking to the doctor and tell her that I need my methadone back every month with an increase or I'm going to out her HIPAA violation that my wife has recorded on her cell phone (bluffing) and see what she says. What are my options or what would you do?