source:'Snow in my nose': YouTube accused of glamorising drug abuse after airing Dutch 'Drugslab' where presenters take Class A substances for all to see5 November 2017
Dutch YouTubers are seen taking Class A drugs to see what their effects are
Drugslab presenters snort cocaine, smoke cannabis and take LSD and GHB
Presenters are Nellie Benner 30, Rens Polman, 25, and Bastiaan Rosman, 23
They claim the aim of the show is 'not to encourage people to take drugs'
YouTube has been accused of glamorising drug abuse by screening a programme in which attractive young presenters take cocaine and LSD then gleefully describe their mind-altering effects.
Hundreds of thousands of British teenagers watch the show, which also gives tips on drug-taking, including the advice that lines of cocaine should be snorted in 30-minute intervals.
After taking the date-rape drug GHB – often used by predators to spike drinks – the male and female presenters announce it has put them in the mood for sex.
In another episode, a presenter, silhouetted behind a screen, performs a sex act while sniffing amyl nitrate and watching pornography.
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