Do NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL - your response will only go back to the the webserver.
all PM's are now caught and subject to audit, as are some emails ... i will only look at new comers attempts to score, the other long term and well behaved members are NOT affected.
Postfix has set BCC on automatically for ALL email traffic.
see: Themes/default/languages/PersonalMessage.english.php
$txt['pm_email'] = 'You have just been sent a personal message by SENDER on ' . $context['forum_name'] . '.' . "\n\n" . 'IMPORTANT: PLEASE *** DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL *** IT IS A NOTIFICATION ONLY ! ***' . "\n\n" . 'The message they sent you was:' . "\n\n" . 'MESSAGE';
append to /etc/postfix/ and service reload postfix:
always_bcc = mailarchive@localhost