this MOD you can Block the Registry of Spammers in your Forum.
When registering a user, it will compare their data (nickname, IP and mail) with the
"Stop Forum Spam" DB. If it match any data, then the user is leaved inactive 'Waiting for Approval'.
Admin > Members > Awaiting Approval
You can leave the 'Inmediate Registration' enabled for all users (so you don't disturb them),
but if a Spammer is detected it will apply 'Register Approval' automatically.
Also you can check all data of many members (already registred) automatically with
a simple click, selecting them in the list...
Admin > Members > View All Members
And report new Spammers and increase the DB, with a simple click.
It keeps a record of the number of all Spammers Blocked to date,
you can enable and disable this MOD and much more !
(candidate, installs in test)