source: a video about a spice enthusiast on Manchester streets is available at the source link
THROAT SPRAY JUNKIES -- Drug users taking popular over-the-counter cold treatment to get high, reveal expertsResearchers warn Difflam can be addictive and that just one bottle can cause psychoactive effects(29th April 2017)
DRUG abusers are necking a popular over-the-counter cold treatment to get high, experts warn.Difflam, available as a mouth rinse or spray, is intended to relieve sore throats.

It is sold by high-street pharmacies for as little as £6.99.
But researchers say it can be addictive and that just one bottle can cause psychoactive effects.
Recreational users discuss its “stimulating” and “hallucinogenic” properties on internet forums.
And active ingredient
BenzydamineWiki — known as BZY — is popular on the Brazilian clubbing scene.
Prof Aldo Badiani, of the University of Sussex, likened the drug to ecstasy and ketamine.
He called for it to be made prescription-only due to the abuse risk.
Prof Badiani said: “There are reports of voluntary systemic overdosage of BZY in drug addicts, resulting in an hallucinatory state.
“People who use Difflam for its intended purpose need not worry.
“But it should be prescription-only because of its potential for abuse.”
Difflam distributor Meda Pharmaceuticals said it was trying “to better understand if, and to what extent, there may be a potential risk of abuse”.
Psychoactive class: Psychedelic Deliriant
Chemical class: Indazole alkaloid
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