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Author Topic: Fentanyl, its Analog Molecules and Potencies (introducing Ohmefentanyl)  (Read 12975 times)

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OhmefentanylWiki - strongest opioid EVER !

18,000 times stronger than Morphine.

all the Fentanyl analogs are listed here:

Fentanyl –  Sublimaze (liquid); Duragesic (transdermal patch); Actiq   (oral transmucosal "lollipop"), Fentora (buccal)

Fentanyl is a short-acting synthetic opiate analgesic which is active at very low doses.  It is a delta agonist, a kappa agonist and a mu agonist.

Its effects are compared to heroin and it has been sold on the street as heroin, causing some deaths

Side effects of fentanyl include itching, nausea and potentially serious respiratory depression which can be life-threatening.

On Dec, 17, 2016 12,919 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentanyl.

Among them, 161 people (1.25%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 29, 2016 6,924 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentanyl-100.

Among them, 80 people (1.16%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 29, 2016 246 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentanyl-25.

Among them, 5 people (1.63%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 29, 2016 169 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentanyl-50.

Among them, 3 people (1.18%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 29, 2016 392 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentanyl-75.

Among them, 2 people (0.51%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 10, 2016 7,775 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentanyl Citrate.  Among them, 66 people (0.85%) have Hallucinations

On Nov, 29, 2016 19,491 people reported to have side effects when taking Duragesic-100.  Among them, 197 people (1.01%) have Hallucinations

On Dec, 05, 2016 40 people reported to have side effects when taking Duragesic-12.

Among them, 2 people (5.0%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 20, 2016 690 people reported to have side effects when taking Duragesic-50.

Among them, 8 people (1.16%) have Hallucinations
On Dec, 05, 2016 47 people reported to have side effects when taking Duragesic-75.

Among them, 2 people (4.26%) have Hallucinations

On Dec, 04, 2016 2,645 people reported to have side effects when taking Actiq.
Among them, 32 people (1.21%) have Hallucinations

On Dec, 29, 2016 1,592 people reported to have side effects when taking Fentora.
Among them, 3 people (0.19%) have Hallucination


In addition we also have the following analogues of fentanyl.  Side effects of fentanyl analogues are similar to those of fentanyl itself.  The risk of respiratory depression is especially high with potent fentanyl analogues such as alfentanil and brifentanil, and these drugs pose a significant risk of death if used outside of a hospital setting with appropriate artificial breathing apparatus available.  Another side effect which is characteristic of fentanyl and its derivatives is their tendency to rapidly induce tolerance, due to their high binding affinity.

3-Methylfentanyl (3-MF, mefentanyl) It is one of the most potent drugs that has been widely sold on the black market, estimated to be between 400-6000 times stronger than morphine.  It is currently a problematic drug of abuse in Scandinavian and Eastern European countries.  3-methylfentanyl is extremely dangerous when used recreationally, and has resulted in many deaths among opiate addicts using the drug. 3-Methylfentanyl was reported by Russian media as the identity of the anaesthetic "gas" Kolokol-1  used in the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002, in which many hostages died

4-Phenylfentanyl - It is around 8x the potency of fentanyl in analgesic tests on animals

Alfentanil (trade name Alfenta, Rapifen in Australia) is used for anaesthesia in surgery. It is an analogue of fentanyl with around 1/10 the potency of fentanyl and around 1/3 of the duration of action, but with an onset of effects 4x faster than fentanyl.

alpha-methylacetylfentanyl was sold briefly on the black market in the early 1980s, before the introduction of the Federal Analog Act which controls entire families of drugs based on their structural similarity.

alpha-Methylfentanyl - Methylfentanyl was invented in 1976 and appeared on the black market under the name "China White". It was first identified in the bodies of two drug overdose victims in Orange County, California.  Over the next year there were 13 more deaths and eventually the responsible agent was identified as alpha-methylfentanyl

beta-hydroxyfentanyl was sold briefly on the black market in the early 1980s, before the introduction of the Federal Analog Act.

beta-hydroxythiofentanyl was sold briefly on the black market in the early 1980s.  It was said to be one of the more favored fentanyl analogues by opiate addicts, but nevertheless its brief career as a street drug did not survive the introduction of the Analogues Act.

beta-Methylfentanyl was also sold briefly on the black market in the early 1980s, before the introduction of the Federal Analog Act.

Brifentanil (A-3331) was developed in the early 1990s.

Carfentanil or carfentanyl (R33799) is one of the most potent opioids known (also the most potent opioid used commercially). It has a quantitative potency approximately 10,000 times that of morphine and 100 times that of fentanyl, with activity in humans starting at about 1 microg. It is marketed under the trade name Wildnil as a tranquilizer for large animals.

Diampromide is also related to other drugs such as propiram. It was invented in the 1960s, and is described as “a ring-opened analogue of fentanyl”

Lofentanil is one of the most potent opioid analgesics.  It is very similar to carfentanil in effects, but has a longer duration of action. This makes it unsuitable for most practical applications, with carfentanil being the preferred agent for tranquilizing large animals, and short-acting derivatives such as sufentanil or remifentanil being preferred for medical use in human surgical procedures.

Ocfentanil is similar to fentanyl in effects, but is slightly more potent

Ohmefentanyl (also known as β-hydroxy-3-methylfentanyl) is one of the most potent μ-opioid-receptor agonists known, comparable to carfentanil and etorphine which are used for tranquilizing large animals.  Its isomer was 28 times more powerful as a painkiller than fentanyl and 6300 times more effective than morphine

Mirfentanil is a fentanyl derivative with strong selectivity for the the μ opioid receptor.

Para-fluorofentanyl is an analogue of fentanyl.  It  was sold briefly on the black market in the early 1980s, before the introduction of the Federal Analog Act
Phenaridine (2,5-Dimethylfentanyl) is an analogue of fentanyl

Remifentanil is a potent ultra short-acting analgesic. It is given to patients during surgery to relieve pain, for sedation and as an adjunct to an anaesthetic.
Remifentanil is a specific μ-receptor agonist.  It is approximately twice as potent as fentanyl, and 200 times as potent as morphine.

Sufentanil (brand name Sufenta, Sufentil) is approximately 5 to 10 times more potent than fentanyl. It is used in operating suites and critical care where pain relief is required for a short period of time. It also offers properties of sedation.  “It is essential for the administering doctor to be trained in airway management with readily available airway equipment because the drug causes significant respiratory depression and may cause respiratory arrest if given too rapidly or in too high a dose."
On Dec, 10, 2016 1,240 people reported to have side effects when taking Sufentanil Citrate.  Among them, 2 people (0.16%) have Hallucinations

Thiofentanyl is an analogue of fentanyl sold briefly on the black market in the early 1980s, before the introduction of the Federal Analog Act

Trefentanil (A-3665) is slightly more potent and shorter acting than alfentanil and induced significantly more severe respiratory depression.  For this reason trefentanil has not been adopted for clinical use, although it is still used in research
« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 08:07:35 PM by chipper »
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Re: Fentanyl, its Analog Molecules and Potencies (introducing Ohmefentanyl)
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2018, 03:52:02 AM »
I attempted making this with a slight alteration an extra methyl group (alpha methyl ohmefentanyl ie ammofentanyl I like bed the name) but I got expelled from that grad school halfway through it. I was also using diasterometrically pure phenylpronanolamine on the first step so the end product would have been a mixture of that 18,000 x M (probably more) and a much weaker counterpart 50/50.  We'll never know though as to my knowledge that one has never been made.
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