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Author Topic: NSI-189 (promotes Neurogenesis)  (Read 10812 times)

Offline Chip (OP)

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NSI-189 (promotes Neurogenesis)
« on: September 08, 2017, 04:33:59 PM »
I am trialing this new nootropic ... anything that makes my brain bigger is worth a shot at my sad old age ... but at what cost ? oh well, it's a gamble, i guess ...


does anybody else have experience with this new compound ?

40 mg. once a day at about $1.20 a pill.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 10:53:36 PM by chipper »
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Re: NSI-189 (promotes Neurogenesis)
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2017, 02:18:21 PM »
also refer to >

... and sourced from reddit:

NSI-189 is the best nootropic I've used. Here's why.
I've been lurking this subreddit and other forums like it for years. For almost 2 decades I’ve been at least aware of nootropics, starting in the early 2000s on the Something Awful forums where a thread about Piracetam popped up. I was young at the time and I was dealing with the beginning of what would eventually lead to my downward spiral of messing up an Ivy League education and a decade of hard narcotic abuse and absolute internal terror -- Piracetam was crucial at the time for making it through high school. But Piracetam is almost a chore to maintain, and eventually I gave in and my life blew up. My family imploded. My friends were never my peers -- they all grew up, went about their lives. I’ve always existed on the fringe, and I didn't realize that the people I grew up with were on their way to healthy adult WASP lives on their parent’s dime. This is where insecurity and anxiety began a rapid evolution into Major Depressive Disorder.

You may notice I haven’t really ever posted here. I lurk, I have a few Nootropic facebook groups I participate actively in, but for the most part I gather information and incorporate it into my life silently. There have been stacks in the past year (now that all of the insanity of life has blown over and I’m clean and sober) that really impressed me, but I never had a reason to write about them at length, mostly because eventually the magic fades or I start skipping doses either because I’m too broke to afford to reup on my supplies. Maybe you know how entropy plays out in your own life. It starts in various forms, but it always leads back to 18+ hours spent in a bed with the lights off, shades drawn, losing jobs, losing friends...

But this one seems like the long term solution, for me. I’d like to tell you more.

I’ve been taking NSI-189 phosphate for a few weeks, as of now. My doses have been between 40-80mgs daily -- initially, 40mgs, then upped to 80mgs. As of today, I’ve reverted to 40mgs, and I will see if the effects stay acute. I remember reading that it takes 90-100 hours of consistent dosing to reach an equilibrium serum level, but I don’t know if that is scientific fact or speculation, or wildly misremembered hear-say.

I dont think it matters. The dosing practice has worked. My first few days on, I knew something was changing but it was subtle -- placebo, perhaps, but what is a placebo? I eat chemical, chemical effects me. I believe we’re dealing with subtleties that some people are adapted to observe quicker than others, across the board, in the arena of nootropics. I’ve been a quick responder to things that work for me since I used Piracetam for the first time in 2001. Now, on day 17, I don’t have to look for the changes -- they’re all around me. I notice people noticing the change, too; I actually, at times, feel a little uncomfortable with how much NSI has obviously altered my behavior because I think people naturally suspect that using something to improve and enhance yourself is, by nature, artificial. That’s okay. It's good to make people question things about you, if it can in turn allow them to question things about themselves.

Background: NSI-189 is going to enter the world of legitimate enterprise as an anti-depressant if it passes all of its exams and does its homework. It has a bright future ahead of it as a novel psychiatric medication, maybe for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. I’ve seen it suggested that NSI doesn’t work, maybe, for people who aren’t suffering from some kind of disorder. I can't verify any of those claims; I’m defined by more downs than ups. I spent the better part of the last decade severely addicted to hard drugs; I would usually take a second to point out the justifications for that, but they’re neither here nor there because they’re mostly excuses. I have 2 years clean. I am, at my core, the poster child for Major Depressive Disorder. There were days, even after kicking drugs -- not days; weeks, months -- where it was impossible to get out of bed. That is all you need to know.

NSI has slowly brought on a number of changes. It started like this: do you know the feeling that, when recalling memories or observations, you’re recalling snapshot after snapshot of a thing? Like you were watching a movie comprised of still frames, or almost like a montage of screen captures weaved together to tell a story, but the story lacks fluidity because there is no motion from picture to picture? The first change I noticed when NSI was ramping up was that there were way more “snapshots” to the things I could see in my mind. It is especially obvious in immediate recall. To give a better explanation that we can probably all understand, picture a Folder on your hard drive, full of static images. That was my brain before NSI. After NSI, its like that same folder is full of the same amount of short video clips that more fully capture the essence of what is being remembered.

I know that noticing the drug taking hold isn’t directly responsible for anything, in and of itself. In the old days before the miserable-joy of instant drug delivery via insulin syringe, the first knocks of a drug at my door were sometimes the best part -- it's like that with sleep medication for normal people. The instant you’re aware of a marked deviation from your own misery, the second that sedative fuse finishes burning and the relief from being awake starts to explode forth, that moment is bliss when you’re wired a certain way.

NSI seems to have offered a decidedly different form of relief. I feel like my emotional processing and my logical processing are speaking to each other again, and now both exist as equals in a system of checks and balances against the other so that neither becomes rampant. I know I’ve read a number of people’s reports since it hit the scene that they found themselves emotionally super charged, or emotionally shut off -- I seem to exist in the Goldilocks Zone. I’ve noticed my hands aren't quietly shaking while I’m talking to people because I don't feel like an empty plastic bag pretending to be a person, anymore. The control of my internal dynamics has made eye contact with people -- strangers, friends, it doesn't really matter because it's always unsettling for someone of uncertain internal fortitude -- simple. Conversations seem to flow easier, and I’m not a person who even particularly had trouble dealing with or relating to people verbally.

I feel as though my viewing lense has been polished and re-calibrated; clear, un-chaotic thoughts flow freely. This is the beginning of enhancement. This is where the pharmaceutical industry tends to draw lines. What if being depressed might be more effectively treated in certain self-loathing types not by rewiring the mind to “like itself”, but by making the mind stronger? There’s an eerie confidence attached to scanning inwardly and finding that you’re more than you were the day before.

There are elements to the antidepressant side of this substance that I have just never experienced in a therapeutic setting. I’ve been on a few antidepressants in my day -- Lexapro, Celexa, Wellbutrin, Effexor. None of them made me feel good -- and I don't mean that in the sense of feeling good, like after you have a beer or smoke some pot. I mean feeling good in the moral sense, the truth and justice and light sense. In the sense that, with the perspective shift that NSI offers, I can assess the things that made me feel like a bad person and see that they’re illusions. For the first time I feel like I’m connected to the same conduit everyone else is, and I might even be capable to go back out into the world and find a big boy job and contribute to society. Hell, I want to.

This past weekend, I was presented with some old photographs of me from when I was a kid growing up -- when they were taken, and all through life whenever I would see them, I would always recoil. “Is that really what I look like?” I was ashamed by my appearance from a young age because I grew up kinda chunky as kids who play videogames and work on computers when they’re young do, but it (the illusion, not the physicality) became a serious problem and I never had any confidence in myself until my adult years because of it. What a strange feeling it was to see those pictures -- I had to keep my cool around the people I was with about it, but I didn't see the same person in the pictures that I had trained myself to see for years. (side note: it was this experience that made me want to talk about this in the first place!). That was seriously amazing, and I think NSI has been instrumental in me being able to sort through the wreckage of depression and see things for what they are.

But it gets even better than just internal perceptual shifts. My senses are actually sharper. My vision has never been more clear before; there’s a sense of being “zoomed out” a little bit, like I can see a wider field of view and everything is sharp and focused. Colors are crisper, shadows are deeper, beautiful summer days are… well, beautiful. Maybe it's depression, maybe some failing in the parts of the brain that NSI allegedly helps reinvigorate, I can’t say for sure. What I can say is that I’ve been missing out on the subtleties of the world around me because, I suspect, through sheer repetition of bad, destructive internal thoughts and ideas, I just desensitized myself. I stopped caring about seeing the interplay between different colors of light in the shadows of a dark room. I stopped noticing the tiny details -- gossamer thin spider-webs, the way smoke from a cigarette curls fluidly at the corner of your vision. The small details of the physical world stopped mattering once misery took over, and I’m truly happy to physically see as clear as I do today. Additionally, I feel like this same renewed clarity has extended itself to my sense of smell. My sense of hearing is unchanged.

The nootropic characteristics of NSI are more ephemeral to me than the antidepressant ones. I think the nootropic aspects of NSI though are what actually make it remove my depressive symptoms; I’m a person who likes being smart, but I haven't done any work to cultivate that recently -- this is the longest I’ve written about a topic in years.

There’s a million positive things I want to say about NSI, but there are side effects that I would feel remiss if I omitted from this, the sum total of my experience. I’m ravenously hungry during the day around when I dose. I don't feel compelled to eat; I know it's a side effect of the drugs I'm taking, so I'm able to avoid sating the urge because I dont think its actually my body begging me for fuel -- it is a little unsettling, but it's not a big deal. My libido seems to have been turned down; it's not gone, but if my girlfriend isn’t feeling receptive I don't have some kind of internal hormonal tantrum. In the grips of depression, people’s attitudes towards sex tend to skew to extremes of either too much or none at all. I sort of am the kind of person who, when miserable with my own problems, sometimes wants to get lost in another person for a little while simply as a coping mechanism -- I have thankfully been relieved of that. Again, I am not non-functional, I just care less about it.

My chief concerns about long term use of NSI (and indeed, I intend to be a long term test subject) aren’t physiological in nature -- I’m worried that without the proper forum to talk face to face with someone about this in my life, a lot of the potential growth from this substance is squandered. It sucks, but I don't know anybody who has any idea what I'm experiencing. I have to bite my tongue around people because I just want to analyze and discuss and understand everything that I’m experiencing, and everything everyone else is experiencing too. I don't think a therapist is equipped to deal with wingnut science experiment space monkeys hopped up on experimental antidepressant smart drugs that they’ve never heard of.

I think this about sums everything up. Im almost always around this sub, and I hope to continue being active here.

If anyone has any questions or private comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via PM. I would love to meet people who are similarly enchanted with this nootropic, and I’d also be honored to help answer any questions you might have that you don’t want to ask publicly (Reddit is, after all, a public space).
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 10:54:38 PM by chipper »
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