Uninstalled but has left some residual code fragments in
Admin > Package Manager (the facility to install contributory code modifications and SMF version updates). it is now with the author.
I spend fucking HOURS with the developers to keep this forum ever growing is capability. Fuck it, we're a bunch of junkies but that don't mean we can't have some of the coolest software to keep us connected.
yeah i know that it's not facebook but we're not Mark Zuckerburg either ! This forum is open source and all the programmers do it for free so we can happily tolerate a little bit of instability - we all have that one down pat

the reality is that i'll bet that nobody gives a shit about how much time goes into building and maintaining this site and i'm fine with that.
my whole point is that we may be third class citizens in the eyes of the rest of the world but that doesn't mean we have nothing to be proud of.