Make no mistake, this stuff does work as a stimulant but is not in the amphetamine league.
i have tried 500 mg, 1 g and 1.5 g doses ... with activity, I got a little sweat up at doses above 1 g, noticed some appetite suppression and felt more awake.
no euphoria with a slight jittery effect that increases with dose.
all in all, i am glad that i have this in my "toolbox" as it will make traditional stimulant withdrawal more bearable but the receptor down regulation isn't addressed by this drug so, as far as Nootropics are concerned, something like Phenibut could be used judiciously to offset the depression by lowering anxiety levels so you don't give a shit. I hope.
it does not increase the release of epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and dopamine but it does increase their levels.
very mildly habit-forming and tolerance is said to steadily increase with repeat dosing.
a small crash occurs after fully metabolised.