SMF has a setting for Webmaster Email Address in the Server Settings area. It is used as the sender email address for sending member validations, topic and PM notifications, membership validations and whenever the forum needs to send mail. It is also used as the destination email address for important notifications such as database connection failure notices and database error notices.
There's just one problem. Sometimes members reply to those topic and PM notifications, and sometimes they change their email addresses and don't bother to tell the forum. The end result is that the webmaster address tends to get lots of garbage mail and bounces. Your important notices share the same address so they get burried in in the spam.
This modification adds a Send Mail From Address setting which is used for all send mail purposes. I recommend you use an address such as to indicate to members that they shouldn't reply, but in any case you can just black hole the spam replies and forget about it. Your SMF will continue to send all important notices to your webmaster address which is private and not exposed to the public.
With your important notices separated from your spam you will be better able to promptly respond to error conditions and you can forget about your email bounces and spam.
For SMF 2.0 the new setting is located at Admin -> Configuration -> Modifications -> Miscellaneous. For SMF 1.1.6 the new setting is located at Admin -> Configuration -> Features and Settings -> Send Mail Address. This email address is used as the sender address for all emails sent by your forum. The existing Webmaster Email Address in Server Settings is used as the destination address for important forum warning notices.
Candidate uploaded.