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Author Topic: Intramuscular Ketamine  (Read 16838 times)

Offline Tainted (OP)

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Intramuscular Ketamine
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:28:22 PM »
I hate posting new threads and prefer replying to other peoples topics, but not sure that there's a better place to put this.

For any of you K-heads , what are your thoughts on IM Ketamine? I'm asking about IM only because I've never tried IV and from what I've read IM and IV are TOTALLY different, IV being very, very intense, (and I'd imagine the possibility of overdosing or serious side effects goes up dramatically with Ketamine being an anesthetic, but I don't know, haven't tried it and done minimal research into IV)

I got a gram of K recently, which I snorted most of. I ended up sharing some with a couple of friends since it's pretty rare in my area (had to get it from out of state) and I can sometimes be too nice/generous when I'm hanging out with people.

Anyways, I tried IMing it twice. The first time, I got two spoons, the first spoon I poured the water in, cooked it, sucked it up, then I capped the syringe and put it in a glass of water so it would cool down to room temperature. Once the water cooled, I used 50 units to dissolve like half a line of K. I don't have a scale and don't know what the dose for IM should be, so it's possible I went too low. Anyways, I shot half into my upper right arm, half into my upper left arm. I googled how to IM and got some weird explanation involving triangles and the bone in your shoulder, but I basically just stuck it straight into my upper arm muscle as deep as it would go, pulled back to ensure no blood, and fired away. After 15 minutes, I wasn't feeling much, so I snorted a line, and within 5 minutes I was pretty K'ed out. However, it was far from a K Hole.

So, I ended up sharing a bunch more of it and was down to the last bit, I had enough for a decent line, but I didn't think it would be enough to get a K Hole from nasally. This time I didn't bother heating the water , letting it cool, then pouring it into the K. I just prepped it like I do any old shot. (hope to god my shortcuting the sterilization doesn't result in an abscess in my upper arm muscle) I was worried my tolerance had built up, so I waited almost a week from my last use to do the last bit, as I really wanted to experience a K Hole (I've gotten grams of K at LEAST half a dozen times, never had a K Hole, been close, but not quite there)

I IMed it into my upper arm, this time, I think I hit the muscle better than previously. My last attempt, the come up was almost as long as nasally, so I thought I had a couple minutes to get my headphones on, youtube playing Are You Shpongled? etc. but I started feeling it within 2 minutes. and Holy shit. I don't know if I was in a K hole or not, but I think I was. The way it was described to me (throw your headphones on and it's like a movie is being playedin your head, you go catatonic for an hour) wasn't exactly how it was for me. I was, for the most part, catatonic, and no longer sitting in my room at my computer. I can't remember all that happened, but it was strange. Kept thinking that I was the head of a drug organization and detectives were about to crash down on me (I was watching The Wire season 1 earlier in the day, so it was like my mind was getting that mixed up with some other thoughts) Also, reality seemed to keep folding in on itself. Only way I can describe it is how I've heard dimensions described (like if theres more than 4 dimensions, 3 space 1 time) that they're folded into our 3 dimensions but exist on a smaller scale. IT was like reality kept folding in on itself and when that happened, everything in my mind folded with it, I could physically see reality folding, and when it was done folding, I'd have a new concept going thru my head for what was going on, new train of thought, really weird. But Every so often, I'd come out of this (I was sitting at my computer desk, headphones on, listening to shpongle, staring at my feet) When I'd come out, I'd still be completely brain-dead, no clue what was going on, but I was able to take my headphones off for a second, put them back on, then light a cigarette (took maybe one drag before I was back in my mind, cigarette dropped giving my wood floor a nice burn mark) EDIT: I just wanted to add, the whole thinking I was the head of a drug organization that was about to get raided/destroyed, it wasn't like a bad paranoid train of thought, it just was what was going thru my mind, there was no fear or negative emotion.

Was that a K-Hole? or was I just shy of being in a K-hole? It's certainly the closest I've come. I wish I had a better way of describing the amount of K that I IM'ed. It was a pile probably the size of a quarter, would have made for one really decent line (if I'd snorted it, I'd probably have made it into two thinner lines, one for each nostril)

So, point of making this thread, ask if what I experienced was a K Hole, but more than that, I wanna hear everyones thoughts on IM or IV  K. Your opinion on it, your own experiences with it, whatever. I don't know much about it, I don't even know how much more potent IM is vs intranasally (I did some googling and saw reports of people IM or IVing 50-150mg so I knew the amount I was doing was safe)

So what's everyones thoughts? IM K obviously isn't a good choice for regular use given the increased risk of abscesses, but since I was down to the last of my bag and can't easily get more, I figured it was the way to go. However, I don't know that I went about it right. At first, I only used about 30 units of water, but you could see grains of K that hadn't dissolved. I didn't want to heat it as I'm not sure what kind of temps K can stand, so I added another 25-35 units of water and the rest of it dissolved fine. I'm wondering if there's a cotton shot. I saved the spoon/cotton, but am not sure if there's even anything in there. If there is, it's probably a tiny amount and i'd probably need to IV it to feel anything, but I'm not comfortable with the thought of IVing K just yet.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 07:32:01 PM by Tainted »
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Re: Intramuscular Ketamine
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2016, 12:11:00 AM »
I have given KetamineWiki IV a good personal study and whilst enjoying it, it became too overwhelming and now, there are no veins left anyway.

i found that 120 mg/70 kg body weight to be the sweet spot. IM'ing was like nasal, i agree.

i have a tip for those who experience nausea from injecting Ketamine and it's like motion sickness so try not to move your head around for about 20 minutes after blast off.

The k-hole is where you can't move your limbs and i think it is a waste because you can't recall the experience and you seem to miss it all - when i went up to 150 mg. (pure) and fell into the k-hole ... no fun like at a lower dose.

I need to know your dose (pure) and body weight to help you figure out if you went into the hole.

i am quite content just snorting it and found it an excellent clubbing tool ... but the risk of bladder damage has taken the shine off it.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 12:35:38 AM by chipper »
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Re: Intramuscular Ketamine
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2016, 12:40:30 AM »

The k-hole is where you can't move your limbs and i think it is a waste because you can't recall the experience and you seem to miss it all - when i went up to 150 mg. (pure) and fell into the k-hole ... no fun like at a lower dose.

The friend I got the K from does it pretty regularly (only nasally, he's a clean former heroin addict and won't use a syringe for any drug for fear it'll lead back to opiates) and he's always told me that while Ketamine does lend itself to memory loss, if you hit the right dosage, a K-Hole you go catatonic (your off in your mind totally, and like you said, you can't move) but you do come out of it remembering the experience. He told me since he does it so regular, the line between K-hole and anesthesia has become thin, so if he overshoots the dosage for a K-Hole, he just blacks out and wakes up an hour or two later, no memory of the hole, feeling like he just wasted his money and his night.

So, you don't think that there is really much point in IMing? The come up is obviously quicker, a couple of minutes as opposed to maybe 15 minutes, but there isn't a large advantage dosage wise? I've had very little experience with K overall and have only IMed it twice, so I still don't have a grasp on the dosage AT ALL.

I'm 170lbs, so I believe that's roughly 77kg? Unfortunately, I have no clue what my dose was. Best guess, it was somewhere between 125 and 175 mg, most likely on the lower end of that range.

What is it about K that you think makes it good for clubbing? I've taken it at music festivals (grateful dead/jam band type stuff) and the best time was at an EDM festival (not your normal electronic music though. Tipper. Shpongle. really trippy, glitchy music)

With that said, it doesn't seem much of a club/dance/socialize kind of drug. I have a ton of fun at festivals on it, stumbling around in circles trying to find my way from the campground to the fucking stage, normally with another friend equally as K'ed out and confused, but I couldn't imagine going to a crowded club on K. I haven't done a whole ton in the low dose range, though. While I've never really hit a K-hole, I'm normally doing decent sized lines and getting pretty zonked out. I love throwing videos of music festivals people take from the crowd on when I'm really out there, the whole world around me ceases to exist and I could swear I'm actually at the festival and the video is my perception of reality.
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Re: Intramuscular Ketamine
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2016, 12:41:17 AM »

It's great for dancing because apart from feeling trippy, you can dance effortlessly and it feels like walking on the moon, I imagine.

Try to measure each dose to give you a benchmark.

If you get a chance to IV then plan it all out and prepare to cap fit, whack tissue on the bleed and hold it there as you lean back to lie down. At home, ONLY ! and allow 20 minutes between shots.

I cross my arms and you have about 10 seconds to do this. The feeling is absolutely amazing, like slipping and sliding throughout space.

The re-emergence is heaps of fun too. VERY happy memories.

Small "bumps" snorted with oral MDMA is about as good as it gets for me on the dance floor ... to be done only inside so be careful - i once bought some and offered the guy a bump and I got robbed because I had too much and lost the plot.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 12:53:03 AM by chipper »
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Re: Intramuscular Ketamine
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2016, 01:00:47 AM »
I've been DYING to try it with MDMA. I could really imagine it going great together, ESPECIALLY for the comedown. I've thought about using K to cold turkey opiates as well. I was dopesick at a festival, waiting for sub to kick in (normally takes an hour and a half for me) and the moment I sniffed K, the dopesickness went away. my buddy said it has mild activity on like mu-opoid receptors or something.

I guess I can see what your talking about with dancing. Last time I did it with someone I was hopping back and forth across their apartment going on about how it felt like I was on the moon and gravity changed.

The link you quoted didn't have IM, only IV vs sublingual vs oral, but I googled another site which gave it to me.

Bioavailability following an intramuscular dose is 93%, intranasal dose 25-50%, and oral dose 20±7%.

It also mentioned something else interesting, which I'm not sure is true.
Impurities are rarely seen, although ketamine hydrochloride itself can be used as a heroin adulterant.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 01:14:08 AM by chipper »
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Re: Intramuscular Ketamine
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2016, 01:05:27 AM »
thanks for that additional B/A info ... i have NEVER heard of it being an Heroin adulterant plus it now costs here more than H.

Ketamine is a fantastic pain reliever but it has to be very slowly infused (with Diazepam to stop your tripping) and only works whilst being done so.

It's the most studied anesthetic on Medline by far, i have heard !

a life-changing drug experience, IMHO.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 01:13:44 AM by chipper »
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Re: Intramuscular Ketamine
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2016, 04:54:31 PM »
not sure if this was said but for most k-heads, at least myself k-holing is basically when you've dosed too much.
if you're into meditation techniques k is one of the easiest ways to cheaply fall into deep states quickly where in breadth and outbreadth are coexistent or seemingly nonexistent

edit: also that's a very quick onset for im, theres lots of very small and some big veins in your shoulder.. could of possibly flagged before you applied too much pressure missing half the shot in a vein or something. i'm prbly overthinking this just once i switched to im from iv i noticed this happening to me periodically.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 05:36:13 PM by komoshan »
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