ive4 been on zubsolv and suboxone. not sure if your asking about zubsolv specifically as opposed to suboxone or about bupe maintence in general.
i don't care for zubsolv, they say that 5.6mg is the equilivant of suboxone 8.0mg, but it's really not. they claim their sublingual absorption method is better so its the same but i dont get the same effect from it and neither do a lot of people i know (if your opiate tolerance is reasonably small to mid range you probably wont notice a difference) edit: the minty flavor is MUCH better than suboxones horrendous taste though, but if you get the strips, the taste isn't nearly as bad as the tablets used to be which for some people were unbearable.
subs are great for some people, dont work as well for others. they worked great for me, i was on and off them for like 6 or 7 years, was able to stay clean months to a year at a time, weaned off it successfully, just always relapse. but they stopped working as well for me, no clue why. now i take them, i feel better, but i still feel halfsick, sneezing, sweaty, trouble sleeping. all the major shits gone, the soul crushing anxiety, the absolute inability to sleep (still a little restless but i do get sleep) they just don't work as well as they used to, so switched to methadone which worked well but is too much a hassle.
in my opionion, if you legitimately want to quit, they'll be good. if your one foot in one foot out, it could be hit or miss but its worth trying.