"Patients taking 50 morphine milligram equivalent doses are twice as likely to die from an overdose as a patient who is not taking any opioids, and they are nine times more likely to die at 100 morphine milligram equivalents."
Twice as likely to die from an overdose as a patient who is not taking any opioids. I guess those are the poor fuckers who die from an overdose of acetaminophen.
And this gem "But the law is needed, because while opioids are useful for acute pain – such as for end-of-life care or post-surgery – they have been proven ineffective and counterproductive at controlling chronic pain"
Gee, that relief from chronic pain that I've been getting from opioids must just be in my head, right?
I'd love to see one of these holier than thou know-it-all doctors suffer from some real chronic pain, and then see what their opinion is on the efficacy of opioids.