mod adds a dropdown to the search field at the top of the page, similar to the one on the official SMF community forum.
When viewing a topic, the dropdown options will be "this topic" (default), "this board", "entire forum", or "Google".
When viewing a board, the dropdown options will be "this board" (default), "entire forum", or "Google".
On any other page, the dropdown options will be "entire forum" (default) or "Google".
The "Google" site-search option can be disabled in the Admin panel by going to Forum->Search->Settings and unchecking the new option there. Similarly, there is another option to enable "Bing" site-search in the same place.
You will also see a list of all your forum's boards there for possible inclusion in the dropdown as choices. These board choices will shown everywhere, just above the "entire forum" option. You can use this to add your "FAQ" or "Support" board (or whatever you like) to the dropdown for easy searching from anywhere in the forum.