This is my first post, and first of all I'd like to say I am a long time "lurker" on the opiophile. That was a good community and I'm glad to see a lot of the seemingly well-educated members relocated.
Now to the topic...
I have searched the internet and have not been to find a solid answer on the amount of time one must leave between the ingestion of alcohol and the ingestion of acetaminophen, or vice versa.
Most of the information that has come through my search has been anecdotal reports which give dangerous advice to people with what seems like little to no knowledge of pharmacology, which concerns me because both are widely used drugs (at least in the USA).
So my question is: Does anyone have credible information about the safe time to leave between ingestion of alcohol & acetaminophen?
I have seen chipper's thread about Tylenol (,2078.0.html), which is full of good information, but I am wondering if there is a specific time-frame known.