I thought this would be a thread about spiders hallucinations - like Chipper was having that pesky meth-induced spiders crawling all over his skin sensation again.
But more to the "subject," I am repulsed by big spiders. Hate 'em. But snakes not at all, as long as they're not venomous. A venomous snake will scare me, but not that primal, hair standing up on the back of your neck kind. More like the same way a vicious dog will scare me - I don't want to get hurt physically. But spiders, oh my GOD I hate them, not the small tiny little cute ones, or daddy longlegs - they don't bother me a bit, but a big hairy wolf spider or a brown recluse or those garden spiders with the big fat butt, UGH!
Can you please explain the computer variety to us techtards, Chipper? I have no idea what you're talking about, "bots" and "spiders," as to how it relates to computer stuff. I'd like to know though.
Can you please?