I have had a lot of problems with benzos; my last dalliance was with Lorazepam mixed with chicken (about 15 mg or 150 mg Diaz - don't ask) ... i fell out of my bed and wet myself on my Afgan rug !
the other day, I woke up whilst crashing my car into the the curb about 300 feet from home because i forgot that i added alcohol to the mix and the silliest part was that i had no idea where i was going. New tire required.
Etizolam was sweet but it gave me amnesia. I have tried diazepam, flunitrazepanm, triazolam (i think), clonazepam, alprazolam and nitrazepam.
BUT the best benzo, by far as it has no active metabolites is TEMAZEPAM. I took 100 mg today on decent METH and alcohol and it's the safest of them all - by a LONGSHOT !
I have a lifelong GABA tolerance (GABA can switch from inhibitory to excitatory, if that revelation arouses your curiosity).
TRUST me on this. All the others keep some part of your limbic system alive but this shit has the safest profile.
just in case you were wondering - the best is this hypnotic.