I agree... I’ve found the nicer you are the easier life is with LEOs. However I’ve been lucky in that aspect because I have no record— no felonies or misdemeanors at all and have been told I don’t look like an addict so I don’t get shit on by them.
I've always said cops are like doctors. Cops don't seem to want to arrest folks that have never been arrested before, but have no trouble arresting folks with a record. Just like doctors don't wanna give somebody their FIRST script of benzo's or adderall or opioids, etc. but they don't care if another doctor got you started and will usually write you whatever you are/were already taking. I got a felony aggravated assault charge when I was 17 and a felony assaulting a LEO (and resisting arrest and 4 other charges) when I was 20 so cops have always treated me like shit and have no problem arresting me.
I'm always nice as can be to cops UNTIL I get in cuffs and in the back of the cop car. Then it's over so fuck it and I cuss them for everything their worth, talk shit about their salary and their mom and talk shit about how they were picked on in high school and feel like they have power 'cause of their badge and gun. Then I tell them I'd beat their ass in a fist fight if they'd take their badge and gun off.
Then, when I eventually calm down, I give them the guilt trip where I explain to them that their jobs are pretty much just putting human beings in cages like animals for petty non-violent or traffic related shit that they themselves have probably done before. If I'm getting a DUI, I ask them if they've ever had a few beers/drinks then gotten behind the wheel. If they say no, I call them a fucking liar. If I'm arrested on a drug charge, I tell them that alcohol (not drugs) is what 'causes folks to beat their wives and 'causes violent crimes to happen and makes people forget what they're doing or what they did, etc..
In case you can't tell, I have zero respect for LEOs except like murder, rape and child molester detectives and even some of them are pieces of shit that'll ignore the evidence once they get a theory in their head and want to be right. This might be wrong of me but I've taught both my sons that I'll never speak to them again if they ever become a police officer. I even tell them that I hate Chase from Paw Patrol 'cause he drives a K-9 police SUV and is pretty much a cop.