I found the link. Its really weird that they picked phile for a "web based study". We are lab rats :p
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3633632/I'm not going to copy/paste the entire page but for those who would like to reminisce, I copied the bit where they quoted us discussing lope usage:
Use to self-treat withdrawal symptoms:
“Back in the day when I would run out of pills early, I would take 8–10 lopermide tabs and get some pretty good relief from withdrawal.”
“If you take a shitload of lope [loperamide] like 10–20 pills at once in withdrawal, you’ll get relief from some of the physical symptoms. I’m not sure exactly how it works, but it’s definitely more than just relieving the GI [gastro-intestinal] symptoms. I’m guessing if you just bombard your blood with it, some of it has to make it through? Not sure.”
“Loperamide alone is enough to keep me well without being miserable, If I megadose.”
“But I just wanted to tell you that loperamide WILL WORK. I take 105 mg of methadone per day, and recently have been running out early due to a renewed interest in IVing [intravenous use] that shit. 200mg of lope (100 pills) will make me almost 100 [%] again. It brings the sickness down to the level of, say, a minor flu. Sleep returns, restlessness dissipates. Sometimes a mild ‘opiation’ is felt.”
“So you just stick with it. Don’t go and score big with your next paycheck. Overcome the need to make everything numb. Learn to live with normality for a while. It’ll all seem worthwhile soon enough. Go for a walk. Get out of the house. Go grab some loperamide from the store, the desperate junky’s methadone.”
Use to get high:
Post A: “F… taking diarrhea medicine to get high! If it was possible to get high off Imodium it would be illegal like all the other good drugs. C’mon guys just go buy some real drugs and stop wasting your time. It ain’t gonna work.”
Reply to post A: “Man, don’t be so negative. Are you going through WD [withdrawals]? Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean there’s no potential… It doesn’t hurt to try….”
“I used to sing the praises of loperamide….and still do, as a short term stand-by until you can score. Long term maintenance… it really wears you out, starts to feel “toxic” though I doubt it actually is toxic… After a few days I would get severely dehydrated because it makes me lose all thirst … my stomach feels like I took a strong stimulant, eating is basically impossible, constipation is surprisingly not bad but still there…”