i know, we just don't understand them and they don't understand us.
they don't see the whole addiction trip as the irreverible fixation that it is and how that sends you to places that were never an option.
why not give addicts a chance to work through their chemical love ?
give them a place to have as much as they want, without the reaching, the chase, the fear, the judgement, the punishment, the shame, the fucked up dealers, the crime, the sickness, the sacrifices, the isolation, the cravings, the poverty, the games, the short windows of time, the doubt, the fear, the loss of any future, plans and dreams the ... I could go on all night.
if you want to put somebody off ANYTHING then feed them large amounts of the same yummy stuff until they lose interest.
yes, you can't really hope to mature out of addiction or consider alternatives whilst you never get your fill and always on the hunt, on the clock.
if they opened a free Heroin shop down the road to me then i still couldn't be tempted.
if they opened a free Meth shop down the road then i would be able to plan, lose the fear, feel secure, work with it and most of all, never get exploited aquiring it.
but fuck Meth, that's a scary proposition but with opiates, it's a NO BRAINER !