Theyve been giving the nasal spray narcan all over northeast ohio for about 3-4 years now at least, and they even give 2-3 of them to each person that goes there.
Yet the sad thing, is that besides myself, ive only ran across two other people who were smart enough to take the 10 min drive to go get their free narcan, and ive lost at least 5 friends during the last couple years.
Sadly, people still believe in the old "punch him till hes black and blue, and shove a few ice cubes up his butthole" and are still afraid to fucking call 911 if they don't have narcan cause they still think theyll come arrest everyone. Just like how some guy i was talking to swore that you can "use subutex and dope at the same time because theres no blocker in it".
God are people dumb. Go get the free narcan people, its THE ONLY WAY TO BRING BACK A FATAL OD. If the person woke up from punching, they wouldve woken up anyways without the punching