just what we fucking need right? More pressure on cartels.
leave the motherfuckers alone, they're just trying to make a living. Let them sell their shit and let the people who want to buy it, buy it. damn. when are they gonna realize it'll NEVER get better by policing alone?
what? do they want us to turn into russia with street made drugs?
it's not impossible to synth fentanyl, and there's a little known one out there that is in the same ballpark strength-wise and not tested for in any drug tests on the street. it's a beauty and totally synth-able. Long story short, the cartels supply a drug that has been used and known for ever, and is relatively benign (other than OD's), so please, leave them alone.....
hey trump, if you really want to stick it to the cartels, legalize and regulate ALL DRUGS OF ABUSE. Then you can tax them. All the money in the world, hell, it'd fix that 20 trillion dollar hole Barack left in our deficit. (truthfully, he only left a 10 trillion $ hole, ALL THE PRESIDENTS before him left the other 10 trillion.)
look at the cartels and their weed now in legalized states. lol. overnight those states cut the head off the cartels weed business. So, they sunk lower, now they're importing larger % and qtys of heroin and meth, and cocaine. Legalize (not otc legal, but regulated by a dr, and given quantities are measured and controlled just like a methadone clinic, but without pickups) those drugs for those that prove they have a need for them. Not a PAIN need, but a life need. I've been on opiates for 15 years, I need them, I function better with them. I'm a better person with them. I'm a happier person with them. I've tried NOT having them. It's not for me. maybe my brain is wired wrong, idk, but I can tell you that I would've quit a long time ago if I thought I was better off without them.
so seriously, if yo uwanna cut the head off the dragon, pull their source of money. if people got dope from clinics not drug dealers the cartels would be dead overnight.
I don't know why I wrote this like anyone with any authority will read it but whatever. it was more of a stream of thought post.