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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #44 from previous page: October 25, 2016, 03:08:41 PM »
Thank you FP. That means a lot. Nice to see you post!

I also wanna give a big thanks to Nick, Chipper and Candy. Without you guys the fallout from our mess would've been much worse, since everyone would've had no obvious place to retreat to. You stepped in when people needed it most, and provided a space which has been vital for all those who use it, all without once seeking any profit or advantage. You should be very proud of what you've achieved, and I for one will always be grateful for D&U's existence.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2016, 06:30:20 PM »
re: nominations (self or otherwise) -- this thread will close by Oct 27 and a poll will then be created for voting.

Well I don't want to fight either. Yet Fat Pie is a nom
He also disappeared.
The non actives are willing to come back
I been contacted by all of the people I put up
None want to be a mod or admin so I spoke out of turn
No I have no problem with people reading my
If you think I'm soliciting.
But them being read ones that go back before people
Were elected yrs I have a problem with that.
I wouldn't be stupid enough to put anything about my life
That would put me in danger.
This site is watched any one who thinks it not
Just remember pokergooch who was essential
In taking down silk road.
 This will be the last thing about the election that I post
I will cast my vote and try my best to just keep
What seemed to be unchecked power in check.
I don't know if you missed the part where I said youare probably the only one I would reelect.
Well chops for security. And Jega but he disappears now and then too.
I know the fact that you don't like sand and water and she didn't like you.
But you can't pick and choose
You and Z are the only two who didn't disappeare
Well there are others mods or whatever like dead cat chops but they are not as vocal.
I will just see how it goes and if I don't like it I can move on. It's chippers site and his show.
I'm just a act in this palooza.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2016, 06:34:25 PM »
I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that YOUR pms had been read, but at the same time you mentioned people should all be treated the same, staff included, you say you should be exempt from shit. Sorry bro you can't have it both ways. Either theirs favoritism or there's not. And currently there is not.

I'm not trying to get into it with you. I've always made my decisions and acted by doing what is best for this place. Period. Not what does dizzle want, or who doesn't dizzle like, but what is best for this place. That, for me, is the only driving factovr.

Ment to quote this.
I know you have been fair
Please don't take this as a personal attack on anyone
I just want what's best for the site
I don't think unless you think I'm trying to sell drugs
No one's PM's should be read.

I've reported anyone who has asked me for drugs
Like I would do that noobs eh
Also I am glad u feel people shouldn't be reelected but in the same breath you said sand and water should be. Someone that quite literally abandoned her post without so much as a pm to anyone On the staff
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2016, 07:29:20 PM »
I don't want to fight man.  Please don't get aggressive with this, but I feel like I need to try to explain it.

I just have to say that the only way to really tell if someone is soliciting is to monitor it.  The decision to monitor messages also came right from the top.  Getting mad at Dizzle for reading your messages is like getting mad at airport security for screening your baggage.  It sucks for you, absolutely.  He didn't just decide to do it.  Getting mad at him for doing it won't change anything.  There was a directive to 'not forget to check the vm's guys' that was given to the admins a few times that I saw personally.  Dizzle was alone in the admin job 99% of the time.  I think he did a pretty good job considering the workload.  I know that he's a busy guy who works full time, has busy hobbies, and an active life outside of that.  It was extremely nice of him to sacrifice his free time to try to make an effort for this place.  He didn't sit there reading everyone's messages for fun, or to see what they had to say about what.

You joined opio, and they read VMs.  I don't see the issue with a spiritual successor doing the same.  Well, I understand how it could be frustrating thinking it was private when it wasn't.  It's just how many drug forums are run.  It won't change by voting for a different person, so I don't see the issue for this thread.  The founders let us have private messages, but they are monitored so that Chipper doesn't have legal trouble.  You talked about poker gooch.  Remember that the mods from Silk Road are in jail right now too.  Different situation, but still there is an amount of risk and liability involved here nonetheless.

On top of it all we have tried to be very transparent about what is and isn't checked, and how to go about doing whatever the hell you want without any of us knowing or caring.  I'm willing to bet that Dizzle would rather not sit there in his free time and skim through people's messages, but that is what electing an admin is.  Choosing who you trust and think will do a good job. 

Chops was not a mod.  Dead cat did disappear, but it's a pretty normal thing.  I took a break for almost a month at one point too.  I'm fairly sure Dizzle took a break as well, but you can't always tell with the stuff he does here.  That's life man.  We're drug addicts.  Life is hard as fuck sometimes.  The desire to give something a shot, and having tried and fucked up a little are two different things.  I know that Jega had health problems, but you can't hold that against him.  That's just life.

Over the last year there has been a lot of blame thrown around.  Often it went into places it didn't deserve to go.  If we all sat down and tried to give each other the benefit of the doubt that good things were intended, then it might be for the best.  The constant criticism and pursuing a vendetta is a big turn off for some people too.  This whole place became this political vipers nest of walking on eggshells at a certain point.  For everyone.  Lets all just get over it, and go back to having fun here.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2016, 09:35:05 PM »
I nominate @makadone7dayz3 for mod! We need a strong leader to whip you boys into shape!
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2016, 09:42:38 PM »
Opiophile didn't even have PM, it was all public. I would much rather have messages that only the admins/mods can read then have messages literally anyone including law enforcement can read. You just said that this site is watched, but what you're complaining about won't result in totally private messages, they'll just say fuck it and make all messages public like opiophile
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2016, 04:53:53 AM »
For what its worth everyone, this place really doesn't need much daily moderation. There can be an occasional new person who posts something that might be considered soliciting or some other random post that occurs every weekly to bi-weekly, but everyone usually is very well behaved when speaking to the rules of the site. I don't know which one of us flags the most posts, nor would I be surprised to find out that it's me, but not a lot of posts are out of bounds so to speak. That's just the simple truth. When I talk to chipper it's usually about stuff not related to the site or nuts and bolts of how this place runs, improvements he's considering, mods to the code. It's almost never about some post not being right or something that needs "mod work". 

The reason we have so many mods is because yes I had health issues over the past year that I made a lengthy post about and put out there, and other people have things that happen in their life. It is impractical to assume all of our mods are around all of the time. With the amount we have we always have someone around.

Now when the daily traffic increases and the statistics generally increase my previous statement may need revisiting but if we go off of the 2015-2016 numbers we're at a good point and we can always add additional mods if it's necessary or delegate powers. We can look at what is required at the time if the situation changes, but for right now we're at a good balance.

I think people have this idea that mods are more powerful then they actually are. Really. I can't kick you off the site or anything. In the whole year or how long it's been I've never personally read a single persons PM's other then my own. The real extent to my power I suppose is editing posts but that can be absolutely necessary. When someone says buy drugs at such and such url I need to be able to take that out even before the post is flagged. And yes that's happened and yes I've had to do that. But get real; I can't kick you off the site, I can't mess with your account. We just make sure everyone is abiding by the rules. That's really all. And If you read the rules we're pretty easy going. I just do it because I like to help and I genuinely feel I can help.

I'll close in saying I think the idea of entirely turning over the staff is insane. If someone has a legitimate grievance then please air it, I won't shut anyone down for doing that, but in my opinion we have a good group right now. There is a learning curve that comes to being a mod, all the in's and out's of how to be a good mod. What to do and more important what not to do. If someone what's to add a mod or two to the group that's fine. I have no problems with that. But a total turnover would be a real massive headache on the founders. Really.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2016, 06:48:05 AM »
fuck it, ill throw my name in the mod nomination, for shits and giggles. People will be like, who the fuck is 6-mam and why is he nominated.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #52 on: October 26, 2016, 06:59:35 AM »
fuck it, ill throw my name in the mod nomination, for shits and giggles. People will be like, who the fuck is 6-mam and why is he nominated.
Because the tea was AMAZING!
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #53 on: October 26, 2016, 09:07:04 AM »
fuck it, ill throw my name in the mod nomination, for shits and giggles. People will be like, who the fuck is 6-mam and why is he nominated.
Because the tea was AMAZING!

Yes sir, it was/is pretty amazing. If were talkin bout the same thing. I'm not sure if we are haha.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2016, 09:38:17 AM »
I vote for 6 mam!
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #55 on: October 26, 2016, 09:50:31 AM »
Guts, save that thought for the poll.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #56 on: October 26, 2016, 11:32:36 AM »
Please consider that the next term for staff is now 6 months.
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #57 on: October 27, 2016, 09:24:13 PM »
fuck it, ill throw my name in the mod nomination, for shits and giggles. People will be like, who the fuck is 6-mam and why is he nominated.
Because the tea was AMAZING!

Yes sir, it was/is pretty amazing. If were talkin bout the same thing. I'm not sure if we are haha.

I nominate 6-mam
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #58 on: October 27, 2016, 10:16:51 PM »
I wasnt going to do this again, but the board deserves to have two active admins.  Dizzle had a large workload for the last year, and I dont want to see that happen again this year.  Admins dont have a lot of power, but there is agreat deal of responsibility in the form of manual checking that just takes time and commitment.

With that in mind, Ill put my name in as an admin.  I apologize for the back and forth on it all.

Good luck to everyone.  All of the candidates seem to be good people, and I think that all of you would make a great giant super moderator team. 
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Re: D&U election 2016.
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2016, 11:20:51 AM »
I apolgise for the diatribe, but I felt it needed saying. I don't mind being criticised, that's fair game and I acknowledge my own shortcomings, but it is another thing entirely to cast false aspersions on people's actions or motives with no proof whatsoever just because you disagree with them over something. I've seen this tactic before, and frankly, I'm sick of it. Insult me all you want, but the sweeping generalisations and conspiracy theories need to stop.

Well I don't want to fight either. Yet Fat Pie is a nom
He also disappeared.

I'm right here Hero. Sorry, but like everyone here, I do have a life outside of this, and sometimes that gets in the way of things, you know?

I personally think that if you held the position last year you shouldn't be run again.

I will say that I do think fresh blood is pretty much always a good thing for positions like this. Everyone should get a shot, and everyone does. I can't think of a fairer way to appoint people, and this is miles ahead of any decisions that Jonny ever made.

and I think it looks bad that you might be able to control the election results.

Wait, what? I don't think that's doable, and even if it were, who the hell would stoop that low? Plus, any manipulation of a public poll would be obvious. People would leave in droves.

Do you really think that little of people? Do you think there anyone here who has any interest in being part of some rigged staffing system? After all the shit we went through with Jonny, who didn't just rig things, but outright exploited people?

If folks didn't acquiesce to his crap, why on Earth would they do so for anyone else?

I wish you wouldn't just throw out these wild theories and accusations without thinking about what you're doing.

I'm not saying anyone did a bad job.

OK, fair enough...

As for FatPie really hasnt been around till the elections.
Sounds like some George Bush vs John McCain he is appointed to that spot. Or just coronated into it. No work but gets the job.

Woah man, what happened to "I'm not saying anyone did a bad job."? And all this crap about George Bush, John McCain, appointed, coronated, no work? What have I done to deserve that from you?

I know we've not always been best buds, but c'mon. I've defended you in the past over stuff like this, but there's absolutely no need to turn the vitriol on me.

And what in the hell are you even talking about? These are nominations, not appointments. The entire reason this thread exists is because the positions here are elected!

You don't honestly think I'm going to get voted in again, do you? I had my shot, and according to your judgement (and mine, I might add, which you'd know if you read my post), I blew it. So what's the problem? Has anyone mentioned a word about circumventing the votes of the membership, much less just to cater to my silly ass? Do you really always have to think the worst of people, especially when they've given you no cause to do so?

At this point, I don't care about what position I hold. I want the self-esteem to be able to chat casually on the boards again, but it's difficult for me, and you'd know that if you bothered to read what I've been saying. I want the job to go to the best person, and I'm not convinced that's me (I've never been convinced of it, to be honest; I don't think Jonny picked me for my amazing skills, he just saw someone he could exploit). Do I need to repeat myself? Did you even read my last post? Was I not clear enough?:

"I haven't been around nearly enough for this place, and while I'd love another chance to actually contribute to the forum now that my life has slowly started turning back from the brink and things are beginning to come together, I can totally get behind giving someone else a chance to do the job justice if that is what folks would prefer."

"I just haven't been giving D&U the respect it deserves."

"I'm happy to have another go at the job if there are no other takers, but if you want to find someone new, I don't blame you."

The reason I posted here wasn't to be some johnny-come-lately and swagger my way back into a position to which I am neither entitled nor appointed (regardless of your opinion to the contrary), but rather to avoid just abandoning this place (and especially an event this significant) without at least explaining to people what's been going on with me. I always hated the way that Brony just up and disappeared from Opiophile one day, but I'm sure he had his reasons, and as I've found out for myself, the longer you stay away, the harder it is to come back. And while I knew how this might look to some people, I thought it better than just acting like this place doesn't exist. I half thought it was a mistake to even show my face here again; I was expecting something like this. But my pride comes second to the board. I owed an explanation, and that's what I've given.

What you may not realise is that being here at all is difficult for me. I still dwell on how I failed this community, and guess what? It doesn't make for great motivation. So why be here at all then? Because I felt I owed it to all of you, and I still feel that way even now. I never wanted to burden this place with the 'woe is me' crap.

It's absolutely true that I haven't been here nearly as much as I should've been, but as I explained in the first post I've made here for a long time, I've been trying to deal with my life first and foremost. That's not an excuse, I'm just explaining that what happened at Opiophile left me in a very dark place. Every time I come here reminds me of it, and I've had to work very hard to prevent things getting even worse in my personal life. In fact, I'm amazed things are positive at all right now.

And even though I've been away, it's not true that I've done 'no work'. It's absolutely true that I haven't contributed nearly enough, but there are more than a few Helpdesk topics with my contributions on them concerning the numerous issues which have arisen and been dealt with over the past year (not that you'd know any of that). This might not count for you or others as 'work', but it was the best I was able to do, and I'm sorry if that wasn't good enough. Unlike Opiophile, I never got comfortable with the technical aspects of maintaining this forum, and again, that's on me; in fact, my experience seems to be the only thing I've been able to offer to this place, and that being as the admin of a site which will forever go down in history as an infamous calamity. That is my legacy, and unlike Jonny, I feel guilt about it every day.

Do you wonder why folks like Fear stopped coming here after that mess? I do, because I've had those same feelings of shame and guilt (though thankfully I was spared the odious rumours for the most part, something which also greatly contributed to the absence of one of the most loyal friends I've ever had on a forum; I have yet to see retractions of those claims, which were never substantiated). But that's my problem, not yours, and it shouldn't have any bearing on the dedication I have to this place. But despite my best efforts, and the wonderful support from many of you here, those thoughts have often got the better of me.

I can't boast of doing as much as my fellow admins, or all the other mods who've worked tirelessly and sometimes thanklessly to try and please everyone, regardless of personal issues, popularity or any other selfish concerns. At times I have felt like a fifth wheel, and it's my fault that I didn't flag that up sooner. I thought I made it clear enough in my original post here that I think the position could go to someone far more dedicated and better placed to serve this board. My only claim is that of being willing to step in if no one else is able, and this time to actually do something worth a damn. I have to give major props to Chipper, Dizzle and the others, who all worked excellently according to what I saw. Was there always complete agreement? No. That's inevitable when it comes to managing a forum. But even when there were issues or conflicts, there was never anything less than absolute professionalism and dedication from the whole staff. And unlike you, not once was I denigrated or shamed based on my attendance (or lack thereof). When I could contribute, I did, all the while making effusive apologies for my absences. To his credit, Chip was always supportive, and I will always be grateful for that.

I'm disappointed Hero. I really thought you were past this kind of thing. You say quite rightly that "Everyone needs to burn a joint and chill". That should include you.

Anyway, I'm sure this storm in a teacup won't matter a damn by next week. I'm sorry for going on and on, I really shouldn't even bother responding, but I can't change my nature.

To whoever the elected team of staff are, I wish you the best of luck, and I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job. This place has lasted for over a year, and it deserves many more anniversaries to come. With those who are elected helming the forum, I have no doubt it will succeed.

I wasnt going to do this again, but the board deserves to have two active admins.  Dizzle had a large workload for the last year, and I dont want to see that happen again this year.  Admins dont have a lot of power, but there is agreat deal of responsibility in the form of manual checking that just takes time and commitment.

With that in mind, Ill put my name in as an admin.  I apologize for the back and forth on it all.

Good luck to everyone.  All of the candidates seem to be good people, and I think that all of you would make a great giant super moderator team.

Amen to that. I think you'd make a great admin.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 11:57:03 AM by Fat Pie »
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