"Custom Forms" or index.php?action=featuresettings;sa=customform; For SMF 2.x: "Configuration"-> "Modifications" -> "Custom Form" or index.php?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=customform Features Explained: Creating/Editing Forms: This is done in the settings area for this mod, you just need to create a new form by clicking on "Add New Form", and then set up the information for that form making sure that you have entered in the relevant data for each setting, you will also need to add some fields to the form, otherwise it will be ignored. Viewing a list of forms that you can post: This is done at the '"form" action "index.php?action=form", you will be able to view a list of forms that you can view and post, as well as a link to the board they belong to and etc." /> Custom Form Mod - SMF Forum Code Modifications - dopetalk

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Author Topic: Custom Form Mod  (Read 5379 times)

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Custom Form Mod
« on: September 07, 2016, 04:29:01 PM »

Settings are found in the Admin panel:
For SMF 1.1.x: "Features and Options" ->"Custom Forms" or index.php?action=featuresettings;sa=customform;

For SMF 2.x: "Configuration"-> "Modifications" -> "Custom Form"  or index.php?action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=customform

Features Explained:

Creating/Editing Forms:
This is done in the settings area for this mod, you just need to create a new form by clicking on "Add New Form", and then set up the information for that form making sure that you have entered in the relevant data for each setting, you will also need to add some fields to the form, otherwise it will be ignored.

Viewing a list of forms that you can post:
This is done at the '"form" action "index.php?action=form", you will be able to view a list of forms that you can view and post, as well as a link to the board they belong to and etc.

Posting a form:
This is done at the '"form" action "index.php?action=form;n=#", Replace # with the actual number of the form. Once the user has filled out the form and saved/submitted, the results will be posted to the appropriate board. You can change the look of this page by creating a Custom Template Function.

Custom Template Functions:
This is a feature allows you to create your own custom template function for each form, to do this we suggest that you make a duplicate of the "form_template_example()" function within the 'CustomForm.template.php' file. You can then use the documentation from that function to see how information is passed to it by the Mod, allowing you to change it for your purposes.

Please remember that you have to name the new template function in this format "form_template_{Custom Template Name}", and you will have to put the correct value from "{Custom Template Name}" into the "Custom Template Function" setting for the form that you wish to use you new template. Further explanation for custom templates can be found in the 'CustomForm.template.php'.

Three Custom Templates are included with the mod; example, left, and center. Enter the appropriate name into the "Custom Template Function" field, click save, then go to your form and see how the look of your form changes.

CAPTCHA Visual Verification:
Visual verification often referred to as CAPTCHA and used by SMF for registration and posting, is included in the mod to help prevent against bots from using forms as a way to post your forum. Visual verification requires that the user type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen in order for a form to submit correctly.

By default all forms require visual verification when being filled out by guests and can not be turned off. Alternatively registered members will also be required to use visual verification based on existing settings in SMF.

To access verification settings in for SMF 1.1.x: go to Admin => Registration => Settings or index.php?action=regcenter;sa=settings

To access verification settings in for SMF 2.x: go to Admin => Configuration => Security and Moderation => Anti-Spam or ?action=admin;area=securitysettings;sa=spam.

Further explanation of a settings functionality can be found by clicking on the [?] help button next to each setting.

in dev only. might use it one day.
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