Seems to me like there's a honeymoon period with bupe. At first it was nothing to either switch back & forth or to just stay on a small dose (2mg or less) and use on top of that. It got harder & harder for me to transition back to bupe, eventually gave up trying to make it work. Hope you get more use out of the stuff than I did.
Thanks, but I ended up going back on to methadone because it was getting too hard to juggle taking my prescribed pain killers and subs- I would normally skip my subs the day before an 8 hour shift so I could use my IR morphine for pain relief if needed but it just got too complicated.
My Dr said it would either have to be subs at a higher dose with no morphine, or lower dose methadone with morphine for bad pain days (I only get 20 x 30mg morphine, so it doesn't last long).
Even though my GP is a pain doctor and he's been great, the health dept have been on him about still prescribing me morphine as I am an ~ex junkie~ (because god forbid I get any sort of euphoria along with pain relief- physical dependency only girl!).
So he's referred me to a Pain Center with the hopes of getting their backing to getting me off methadone and putting my on either daily slow release morphine or possibly even weaning off the 'done and just taking the IR morphine when required. Or at least still being able to get my methadone and morphine without my Dr copping flack for it.
A second pain specialist chiming in will basically give my Dr more freedom to prescribe me what he thinks I should have.
Got my fingers crossed