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Author Topic: Cant take it anymore  (Read 29512 times)

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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2015, 04:03:28 PM »
Take the ticket to traffic court and setup a payment plan.

Or, if you have a spare 50 or 60 bucks a traffic lawyer will almost always get it taken care of totally.

There are plenty of ex-offender organizations that work with local businesses. They'll help you get a bond that will cover any risk perceived by an employer. At the very least to get a living wage.

You've got an intoxilyzer in your car? I didn't know they still used those.

Keep your head up my friend, things will get better.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 04:05:09 PM by corlene »
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2015, 04:37:18 PM »
Yeah even though I haven't drank in almost 3 years when I got my DUI for being on methadone in march they suspended my license for 9 months. They told me if I wait 30 days I could get a breathalyzer and that I could have a restricted license and if I didn't get any tickets or have fail any breathalyzers for alcohol I could get my license reinstated after 5 months.

January would of been 5 months and I could of gotten it out but sense I got the ticket for the expired tag, I will either get my license suspended for 9 months or I will have to keep the breathalyzer in my car for 9 months. It costs $92 a month to have in my car, so getting the $75 ticket, 3 weeks before I was supposed to get the breathalyzer out and get my license back really is going to cost me $828 plus the $75 for the ticket and $100 for the tag.

It fucked me badly, on top of that sense I am on probation for the Methadone dui, getting a ticket counts as police contact so my PO can revoke my probation, giving me another misdemeanor. As well as make me do my 5 days of jail time that was suspended and I can be re-sentenced which could result in prison time up to 5 years. Or they can give me probation and restart the 18 months once I finish my court stuff.

My p.o. doesn't have to revoke my probation she can just give me a warning for it, and the DMV could allow me to not have to pay the ticket if I get the tag renewed and let me have my breathalyzer out and go on my merry way. But in reality that is a not very likely because the way the dmv sees it is, we can let this guy go with only paying us for the ticket and tag or we can make him pay the $75 ticket, the $100 tag, and $830 for the breathalyzer.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2015, 04:55:56 PM »
Here is a tip:

If you get an ignition interlock be sure the place that installs it uses DRAGER  devices. I had to havee on for a yar after my 1st offense  and did some research before choosing an interlock company. Avoid Intoxalock if you can.  Drager has the best tech, with fwest false positives and less frequent "random" tests demanded while driving.

Remember, these are the brands of the devices, not the names of the local installers. Shop around and make sure they have things like nearby monthly radout stations and roadside service. Don't use any company that makes you Fed-Ex the Check the local vendor reviews on Yelp becasue some of these guys think they are "Junior G-Men" and there to enforce your sobriety, others recognize it is what it is and just something to get through.

They are an embarrasing PITA and if you are like me you'll find yourself parking away from everyone else so they don't have to ssee you blow into it to start your car.

Trust me on this one.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2015, 05:34:55 PM »
Unfortunately I didn't do research when I got my ignition interlock device in August and I have intoxolock. They are the absolute worst. They suck, I got a false positive for hand soap, and even though I had passed when I blew to start my car, 5 minutes later while I was driving I blew and failed, and then I passed again 2 minutes later.

Even though I have a camera in my car so they know it was me blowing and I passed 5 minutes before and 2 minutes after I failed. I still had to pay $75 to keep them from locking me out. I have had a ton of problems with it, when its cold I have to wait 3 minutes for it to let me blow to turn on my car and it is super touchy with how hard or soft you blow or if you blow to early or to late.

Their customer service is awful too, every time I have called them it has been at least a 10 minute wait. When I needed to change my battery 2 weeks ago I tried to call them twice and I stayed on hold for 45 minutes both times and didn't get to talk to anyone before I hung up. I ended up having to email them to get a response. They suck!

I decided to go with them because they offered a free install and free first month. What they don't tell you is there is a $175 activation fee which costs more than a month and install at all the other companies. It is $87 a month for the service plus you have to take it in once a month for a recalibration which is $15 each time. They suck horribly. I wish I had done research.

That is why this stupid ass parking ticket sucks so much. If I didn't have the breathalyzer and restricted license it wouldn't be that big of deal. But the terms of my restricted license is that I can't have any tickets and have to have a breathalyzer to be able have it. If I don't have any hot BAs or tickets I can get it out in 5 months but if not I have to have it for the whole 9 months.

So if they hold this parking ticket against me I will have to have my breathalyzer in my car for 9 more months instead of getting it out next month like I am supposed to. Hopefully I can switch companies if I have to keep it in for the 9 months which is probably what will happen because they are going to want to get as much money as they can off of me.

If everything worked out perfectly and I was very lucky they would drop the ticket in return for me getting my a new tag and then not hold it against me so I could get my breathalyzer out next month. If not it will cost me $1000 which I don't have because I have $90 in probation fees, rent, phone bill, gas, dui classes plus sr-22 insurance so if I don't pay my insurance my license will be suspended for an entire year without the chance of getting it back.

All these bills are impossible to pay on minimum wage especially sense I have to do 50 hours of community service and will hopefully be back in school next month. I can't find a better job with my record, I don't understand how they expect me to make it. I am set to fail especially when they come around to fuck me every chance they get.

I shouldn't of even been arrested the first time around and if I wouldn't of been on probation I wouldn't of got arrested the second time. I only had one month of probation left when I got arrested the second time. It is like they wait until you are almost done and they fuck you again.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2015, 06:01:18 PM »
I don't know if anyone here understands what it's like to be in the spiral of anguish that is the criminal justice system when your poor and have no one to turn to,  but trust me buddy, I really do feel your pain. We have different situations and different outcomes but we're both being fucked by the money factory that is the law and probation.

Hope shit gets better for you man. At least you have a job for now, thats a really good thing. I can't even get a job at walmart or pizza hut delivering pizzas! And I have no felonies! So feel lucky about that my man.

Sometimes I see my cat looking at police stations and cop cars fantasizing about watching them burn to the ground. Then I tell my cat it will solve nothing and they'll just rebuild it. My cat has issues.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2015, 06:31:50 PM »
Hey Grif-

I really think that if you get your tag re-newed, and bring it to court-they will likely drop it.

good luck!!
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2015, 06:33:56 PM »
I got denied by walmart and pizza hut as well with no felonies. It is such bs how people are treated here because of the judicial system. It is definitely who you know not what you know. Hope things look better for you its good to know that others are making it through the struggle successfully I feel for you good luck with it all and I hope one day I can make changes to help people who are in our position.

I am one of the few people who smiles when police die, I am fucked up for it I know, but chances are they were on their way to fuck someones life up completely or kill someone. I am really hoping that I can learn another language and move out of this country to a place that doesn't try to destroy you.

People wonder why everyone hates the united states. It is because we go around the world killing people, policing the world, trying to tell everyone what to do. We started this whole thing with terrorism and the war in iraq and afganistan. If we just stop being so millitant and trying to run the world we would be a lot better off. Unfortunately it is probably to late, we have pissed off so many countries and people that they will always hate us.

Americans are idiots for the most part, we are one of the dumbest 1st world countries. Are education system is lacking and compared to other countries we are quite stupid. We are so arrogant and think we are always right and that we have the right to bully everyone and tell them how to live. All this has caused is death, now we send 18 year old kids over seas to die so that we can stay rich or become rich and they think they are fighting for our freedom.

They are willing to kill on the premise that we are in danger and they are helping us out and keeping others from infringing on out rights, but it is the complete opposite. We are sending them over there to die so that we can infringe on others countries rights, make rich american people more money, have more rights and access to oil, and exploit and bully other countries.

Then these veterans come home and don't get any support from the government and are left to fend for themselves. They see horrific things and often times disagree with why they were over there and believe they were in the wrong and killed people so that rich people can make more money. They don't get any respect and are treated terribly by the government that they risked there lives for on the premise to keep our country safe.

The argument for cops is that they are just doing their jobs and that they didn't make the laws they are just enforcing them. They just want to make the country a safer place when often times the only danger is the police. The only thing we fear in our neighborhood is the cops. I understand they didn't make the laws but they are enforcing them but that is horse shit. They are stealing from their own citizens, putting them in cages and treating them like animals, and making everyone fear them.

They break into peoples houses with guns yelling and screaming, after throwing flash grenades and smoke bombs in a house. The have guns pointed in peoples faces even children, shoot dog all because people are smoking pot, or doing drugs in the comfort of their own home. They put people through terrible traumatic events and are happy about it, a lot of them get off on hurting other people and being on a power trip where they are impervious to the law.

They basically get to do whatever they want and not get in trouble. Them, their friends, and their family get off without any punishment for doing the same thing that people are beaten, shot, and throw in cages for. Unless you are rich or connected to the government you are the enemy and have no rights. If you were to do half of the things these people did you would be in prison for life or shot and killed. They are on a rampage and with no worry of recourse or punishment and can get away with anything.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2015, 06:34:52 PM »
OMFG don't get me started!

That totally sucks about your parking tickets!

I have a major resentment against these lily-white people (I don't mean White in the racial sense, just free from having a record) who can get jobs working for the US mail and all kinds of other ish that's off-limits to me, because I told a few lies over the phone.

Shit, I tried to get a job pushing shopping carts at Wal-Mart and they wouldn't hire me because of my "criminal" record. I talked to the HR lady about it and she said Wal-Mart doesn't hire ANYONE with felonies. I was like I don't believe that for a SECOND. You mean out of all those carnival freaks out there working in this store, none of them have a criminal record? WTF?

Totally fucked.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2015, 06:37:03 PM »
Hahah, you couldn't staff a Walmart down here if that was the case. Zoops you haven't looked into the federal bonding stuff?

Edit: Actually come to think of it, although not a pleasing job, the hospitals here that I frequent use a huge national staffing company. The guy who was cleaning up my room a few months ago he would never be able to get a job working for the hospital. He said he was getting 11 an hour with benefits.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 06:41:30 PM by corlene »
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2015, 07:17:30 PM »
I always chuckle a little when I hear the words "Police just want to make our country a safe place". I wouldn't be surprised if that for every person they take off the streets in cuffs that was a danger to someone or society, 99 other people they had in those same cuffs were non-violent or straight up innocent. I really don't think they give a fuck who's life they ruin.

In the past two months, I've seen two family member houses get broken into, and both times the cops straight up refused to take a report. REFUSED. HOW IS THAT LEGAL?!?!

First time my BIL's apartment got broken into and someone took his ps4 and tv. They literally said they couldn't do anything because he couldn't prove they belonged to him! He should have recorded serial numbers and took pictures yes, but for them to straight up say they didn't give a shit is wrong.

Second was my own mother, she went to do laundry in plain daylight and had 500 dollars taken from her place. And she lives two blocks away, in sight of, the county jail/sheriff station. Again, the useless assholes said they couldn't prove she even had money taken, and she may have trashed her own house!!!!

Fuck this place. For the love of god people, don't ever move or even visit small town oklahoma. I just want to get the fuck out. Never return.

I was watching that live verdict last night about this cop who molested and raped many many women on the job and off. Has anyone heard of that? Daniel Hotsclaw or something. He got 200 plus years and I was so happy. Serves him right. Seriously fucked up what he did.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2015, 07:19:31 PM »
Hahah, you couldn't staff a Walmart down here if that was the case. Zoops you haven't looked into the federal bonding stuff?

Edit: Actually come to think of it, although not a pleasing job, the hospitals here that I frequent use a huge national staffing company. The guy who was cleaning up my room a few months ago he would never be able to get a job working for the hospital. He said he was getting 11 an hour with benefits.

Walmart has a thing they tell people, they call it non-competitive results. But they don't actually tell you what that means! Lows did the same thing to me.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2015, 07:39:42 PM »
I always chuckle a little when I hear the words "Police just want to make our country a safe place". I wouldn't be surprised if that for every person they take off the streets in cuffs that was a danger to someone or society, 99 other people they had in those same cuffs were non-violent or straight up innocent. I really don't think they give a fuck who's life they ruin.

In the past two months, I've seen two family member houses get broken into, and both times the cops straight up refused to take a report. REFUSED. HOW IS THAT LEGAL?!?!

First time my BIL's apartment got broken into and someone took his ps4 and tv. They literally said they couldn't do anything because he couldn't prove they belonged to him! He should have recorded serial numbers and took pictures yes, but for them to straight up say they didn't give a shit is wrong.

Second was my own mother, she went to do laundry in plain daylight and had 500 dollars taken from her place. And she lives two blocks away, in sight of, the county jail/sheriff station. Again, the useless assholes said they couldn't prove she even had money taken, and she may have trashed her own house!!!!

Fuck this place. For the love of god people, don't ever move or even visit small town oklahoma. I just want to get the fuck out. Never return.

I was watching that live verdict last night about this cop who molested and raped many many women on the job and off. Has anyone heard of that? Daniel Hotsclaw or something. He got 200 plus years and I was so happy. Serves him right. Seriously fucked up what he did.

I totally relate, man.

My moms car was stolen by my sisters boyfriend and the cops wouldn't do shit. They basically said because my mom lent my sister the car she could of let him borrow it. Wtf? My sister is the one who called them first off to say he stole the car!

They don't give a fuck.

And that holtzclaw guy is just the type of shitbag that becomes a cop for all the wrong reasons. Bullies, psychos, sociopaths and perverts all with small penis syndrome and no heart flock to law enforcement as a career.  It's perfect for them.
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2015, 09:01:31 PM »
St. T-

Boy, you can say that again-what a twisted shit!!!  I hope he can continue his modest sex life with his new friends and enjoys a little forced oral and anal sodomy from bubba!!
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2015, 11:13:05 PM »
Griffin, I am still concerned about your mental state - have you addressed your car issues and are you any happier now ?
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2015, 03:57:48 AM »
I am doing much better, I got a raise at the job I got fired from because they realized they can't really make it without me right now. I am hoping that maybe my family will help me pay my ticket, so I can use my check on rent, my ticket goes from $75-$150 on the 28th of this month.

Next month I will be reviewed by the dmv and see if I will still have to keep my breathalyzer in my car for 5 more months. I really hope I get it out I hate that thing with a passion. I will know in the next 2 weeks if I am going to be able to start school in January, praying I do because that is like my ticket to happiness right now.

My PO was okay with me getting the ticket, she denied my travel request sense I got it though, and am financially fucked if I don't get back in school next month. I don't think I was going to be able to go see my family but thats not the point, her telling me no makes me want leave a komodo dragon in her house.

I had my UA for the month on the 5th, so I got to smoke some weed for the first time in 25 months so not everything was terrible I had a good few days this month. My landlord also told me he really likes me and that he got the final date I got to be out is March.

He has another place and asked if I wanted to live there when I move out of here. It's more expensive so I gotta see if I can afford it but he might let me have it for what I am paying now. It is good because it is month to month so it is nice knowing I won't be trying to find housing here because the housing market is bananas right now. I am pretty sure there is still 20,000 people moving here each month.

The only bad part is he comes to where I live now every single day, and he is awkward. He works across the street so I don't know if he will be at the other place all the time because that is something I don't like. He throws his parties here to which is weird to me too. His son lives in the basement in the room next to mine. I just don't see why he doesn't have his parties at his own house that seems like the normal thing to do.

 I also want to find a place I can have my dog, not having her sucks. The cheapest thing I have found is a studio for $800 everything is $1000+ a month. Maybe if the new place my landlord has doesn't work out I can find a place with roommates where I can have my dog. Because I pay $450 a month now and it includes all my utilities, electric, internet, all the goods and that is about as much as I can afford on minimum wage.

I have a good feeling about next year though. Everything is just going to be amazing, I am going to go back to school, find a cheap place I can have my dog, find a good job that I like maybe at a dispensary or a grow warehouse sense I've got experience and know a few people who do it. Then they are going to let me off probation early and I am going to celebrate but not to much and enjoy a month long bender then hop back on the methadone train.

Thanks for checking in on me chipper, these last few months have been hard on me, actually the whole year kind of blew but as long as I don't goto prison I don't see it getting any worse. I don't have anyone to talk to about all this shit, and of course everything always happens all at once to see if will break me and it did.

However there were a few awesome people from the forum that checked in on me and it was nice to talk to someone who understands and can relate and give good advice so thank you everyone who reached out you have no idea how much you helped!

I appreciate you guys helping me through it, being alone on the holidays is not so fun and everything had to have a grand explosion of fuckedness to end the year but I am through it. Ready for next year I just gotta get my school loan approved and I will be stress free on the road to happiness. 

Seriously though everyone thank you for checking on me and giving me solid advice and helping me through this, hopefully it all works out but even it doesn't I am sure there will be some good I can get out of it. Happy holidays everyone please be safe!
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Re: Cant take it anymore
« Reply #29 from previous page: December 20, 2015, 07:16:15 AM »
That's a much more positive Griffin than the one starting in this thread.

I take all people who post in this board very seriously but then to see them cheer up is a wonderful thing.

good for you, Griffin :):):)
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Founded December 2014
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