source: to add different groups of custom fields to forum posts and filters for fields of posts.
A group of fields can be of type:
Fields loose: Its fields are added to a post to provide extra information. In seeking data into fields loose of a post is gets a list of posts.
Record: It is a set of fields that represents an independent entity of the post. In seeking data into fields of a record is gets a list of records. The post body can not be left empty but a post with record does not need body. If the user will add a record and the post body is empty, the system writes a period (".") on it and the user does not need to write anything
Fields with several values per member: It is set of fields where several members can insert different values. This can be used for members to make comments or valuations about the post. If these fields are located in just the first post of a topic can be displayed as belonging to the topic.
Filters: This is a special type of group without fields. Used to enable a set of predefined filters that can be used on topics and posts.
The available predefined filters are:
Start of the subject.
First character of the subject.
Date of topic / Date posted.
Date of last reply / Date posted.
Posted by.
Topic with new posts / New.
The actions to be performed on a group of custom fields are: view, add, modify, delete and move.
Furthermore other actions are possible using custom fields:
Filter the message index.
Sort the message index.
Show statistics.
Search in fields of posts, getting a list of posts.
Search in fields of records, getting a list of records.
In dev only for now
Post Merged: November 19, 2019, 03:51:33 AM
need to uninstall
Global Topics mod then reinstall afterwards