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Author Topic: 15 Useful Tips For Frequent Meth-Users's To Maintain Lifestyle  (Read 14195 times)

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15 Useful Tips For Frequent Meth-Users's To Maintain The Lifestyle

This mostly applies to people who are using frequently, but the tips may potentially help non-frequent, short bender users.

To users, remember, discipline is key.


In order to maintain the lifestyle of frequently using the user must eat. It's no secret that eating on meth is difficult and seems like a chore. Instead a user must look at the bigger picture. Eating replenishes the things meth takes away in order to keep using meth you must have some more energy left in your tank. Simple as that. Then you must look at the health factors induced from meth, eating helps reduce these negative sides of the drug dramatically.The user will not quickly look like they are on drugs to the general public from rapid weight loss also. The user will more than likely not gain weight but if their normal weight is maintained most people will not suspect foul play which is beneficial in this lifestyle. "How is a user to eat with no appetite?" You may ask. Simple. The user must force themselves. Smoking marijuana may help, I'm not sure. The "munchies" seem to make marijuana users wolf down tons of food. It may or may not take the edge off the users voided appetite at any rate if the user has access and enjoys marijuana why not try it? Stick to foods that are not dry. Keep a drink of some sort in order to wash the meal down with. Moisture in the food is key as users mouths tend to be dry. Making it painfully difficult to eat food.Fruits are a good option as they tend to have high water concentration in them which makes them very easy to eat. In conclusion users should keep themselves fed by not missing many meals eating healthy, and eating smart.


In order to maintain the lifestyle the user needs to do another body replenishing exercise known as sleeping. It's recommended that the user make an attempt to maintain their normal bed time everyday. A speculator may ask. How is a user to sleep when the drug is made to keep them up and going? Simple enough again. Forcing and discipline. Eating a good meal prior to bed, quit using meth beforehand in order to relieve some of the effects. A good rule is stop 4 to 5 hours before the user would normally go to bed. In bed obtain the user should get the most comfortable position and lay there and prepare for a long night of tossing and turning. Even if sleep doesn't come the user at least recuperated their body by relaxing. There are tricks to getting asleep. One is drink a lot of alcohol which is unhealthy but effective. Another is using sleeping pills which is still not very good for you. Then there is getting a mindset where the users brain just shuts off and they fall sleep. To do this the user must lay comfortably and start to think of a topic that drags on and on. Not really focusing on the topic but just kind of running it through their head. If it's boring enough the user will normally get relaxed enough to fall asleep. 3 to 5 hours of sleep normally feels like an 8 hour night to a user while under the influence. If it starts getting late and the user feels like giving up and just getting more high, they shouldn't quit trying. When the user gets for the day up they can use more meth in order to get over any lethargy and get on with their day feeling at least somewhat rested.


A frequent user usually falls prey to some degree of this tooth decaying predator known as "meth-mouth". This repulsive condition must be avoided at all costs to maintain the users mouth properly without looking like a toothless addict. This tip is a bit easier than the first two. It's very simple, after smoking the drug, snorting, or whatever. The user will find it beneficial to immediately gargle mouth wash thoroughly, along with brushing with a good stiff tooth brush getting every last nook and cranny. Including the gums, tongue, anything reachable in the mouth. Doing this immediately after usage greatly reduces dry mouth caused by the meth's ability to draw in moisture. It will not completely get rid of the meth particles as they are constantly flowing through saliva, but it none the less does have benefits. Another good way to maintain teeth is drinking milk to build strong teeth which most people have been hearing their whole lives. Teeth grinding is sometimes done without notice, gum isn't very good for teeth but the user must weigh the pros and cons and choose whether or not to put a stick of gum in their mouth to avoid some tooth chipping caused by grinding. Paying attention to what your mouth is doing will help, and as stated before this will be easier to do if there is sleep in the user's system.


In order to maintain this lifestyle the user must have a source of income to pay for the things they need along with the drug unless the user is cooking it which is not recommend and very dangerous. If the work place is a drug-free zone where random urinalysis are given. There are ways around this, the method is falsifying to your work and may result in termination, but usually not illegal depending on the users job. There are pills out there that are pretty expensive that if taken 3 hours before your urine test result in a clean slate on the test. They are expensive but very useful to a user. This pill can be kept on the user at all times easily for quick use in the event of a testing. What is not recommended is hauling around urine in a pocket. In order to use this it needs to be heated to register correctly which under pressure like that would be hard to do. Option 1 is simplest. The user must maintain the job, do what is expected, and earn. If this is maintained crime such as robbery, burglary, and any other profit gaining crime can be avoided with an honest income.


It's vastly recommended that a user does not try to quickly rise up the ranks of dealers in order to find the next big thing. This could result in getting way to deep with less than reputable characters. It can easily land a user in the hot seat. It's recommended that the user keep 3 trustworthy dealers in mind. Trustworthy people who are low key, that don't talk about what the user does, and the user does the same back. The user must find which dealer fits the criteria of low key and decently affordable. The dealer doesn't have to be the best bargain, convenience and security is more important but the user should invest in a scale in order to make sure they get what they paid for. If the dealer isn't what the user thought then move on to another. Keep extra dealers to go to in the event the users current dealer gets in trouble or quits. No dealers means no substance simple as that.


Not recommended but very passionate and energetic when performed. It's no question meth increases libido, and users will probably find more than usual numbers of sexual encounters if the user socializes properly. It's highly recommended during sex to have the male wear a condom unless they are committed to the partner. If safe sex isn't practiced and the user sleeps with lots of people. The odds of STD's and unwanted pregnancies are substantially high. Safe is better than sorry.


In order to not get caught using or possessing the user must not tip anyone off of their usage with anyone besides dealers. Very easily the wrong people could find out and the user could easily experience being labeled a bad person by people who will tell others. Which could in turn make it back to their work resulting in loss of employment or authorities which could lead to jail time or mandatory rehab or both. A good rule of thumb to stay under the radar is think about it like this. For every 1 person that knows the user gets high it's a 10% more chance they will get caught. So if 10 people know. The chances of getting caught are 100%. The user may as well stay quiet and enjoy their high alone knowing almost everyone is oblivious to what is going on. All the while keeping a relatively good status in society.

8. DATING A USER, Not Recommended

This is a recipe for disaster. It commonly results in arguments about drugs that get very intense due to the decreased levels of serotonin in the brain which basically causes lack of happiness after long term use. The chances of dating a user and it blowing up in the other users face some way. Is very high. Total trust in that person would be required. Freedom and life could be in the balance. It's not worth it

9. DATING NON-USERS, Recommended

Hide the drugs. Don't talk about it. Leave it out of the picture. What the person doesn't know can't hurt them. Keep going about the relationship as any other. If the significant other doesn't even know. Why would the police or anyone else have reason to know? This tip may make you feel bad but it's crucial to not getting caught. Also way healthier and probably in the long run will get the user to stop getting high.


Whether or not the user is living with others they still must practice hiding all drug related materials when not in usage in the off chance they get served a search warrant by police or someone stumbles across everything illegal. In picking the place to hide things the user must consider accessibility, and conspicuousness. Hide different items in different places, plain site can be good if their's a false bottom or cranny that people do not see or touch. Possibly in a backyard shed, inside of an object in the shed, or buried if the ground is dirt depending on the item. Thought just needs to be put forth. Frequently used items should receive new spots two times a month to increase the odds of not getting caught. Consider if people would find what you are trying to hide as if they knew, and attempted to thoroughly look for it.


After receiving it immediately take the substance into your house and store it. Do not roam around town with drugs you could easily get caught if a cop pulled you over and suspected you were high. Leave drugs well hidden at home! Simple.


Set money aside from your checks every week to pay for your fix. Be secret about what you make and where it goes. Act like it bothers you if people come asking. If others live in the house keep your paper money hidden until the dealer can meet you. Budget yourself properly in everyday life to compensate what you spend on the substance.


A user should invest in a prepaid cellphone they are fairly cheap and it's great to cover up tracks. User's should only use this phone for setting up deals and they should not add numbers of dealers into it. They should memorize them or write bits of them in different places. The user should keep this phone well hidden and usually turned off.


Using the drug in moderation calculate how much you can smoke a day according to your budget and health. Going overboard with it may lead to the user not getting high on what amount did it before which causes more and more being smoked as they go on. The user will find this takes a great deal of discipline. Starting off small and very slowly go up.


Rationlizing is key to making decisions in this lifestyle. Decisions could cause or prevent harm. Trying to keep a clear thinking head could be the biggest battle of all for a user. Meth is known to easily change ambitions and ways of thinking.


In the event that the user decides they've had enough of the drug or an event happened that provokes quitting they will need to be able to come down from the life peacefully if the user has enough discipline to follow all these tips and not get caught and keep a decent health. They certainly have enough to quit. Preparation is still needed to do this. What is recommended is that the user pick a stop day and request a week long vacation at their work. Stop on the stop day and sleep most of the week off that they got off from work also destroy any paraphernalia. At the end of the detox week they will be mostly back to normal but still crave the drug but discipline enough to know they decided to stop and not go back. Now the user must

re-evaluate life.

Caution on living the lifestyle. I hear it's a rough one.
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